Daily Mail

ANDREW NEIL: My guess is that this election is still Trump's to lose - just. But unless he starts attacking Harris on policy and not trivia, lose it he will
Daily Mail

ANDREW NEIL: My guess is that this election is still Trump’s to lose – just. But unless he starts attacking Harris on policy and not trivia, lose it he will

Joe Biden was always Donald Trump's preferred Democratic opponent in this year's U.S. presidential election. Trump was confident he could beat him. Source link : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-13676793/ANDREW-NEIL-Trump-beat-liberal-senator-attacking-policies-votes-prisoners-fracking-ban.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490 Author : Publish date : 2024-07-27 05:34:31 Copyright for
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Is French train arson Putin's new terror tactic? Czech Republic warned just three months ago that Russia had made THOUSANDS of attempts to interfere with Europe's rail networks
Daily Mail

Is French train arson Putin’s new terror tactic? Czech Republic warned just three months ago that Russia had made THOUSANDS of attempts to interfere with Europe’s rail networks

Speaking in April, the Czech Republic's transport minister told the Financial Times that Russia has made 'thousands' of attempts against rail networks across the EU. Source link : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13675809/French-train-arson-Putins-new-terror-tactic.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490 Author : Publish date : 2024-07-26
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Kim Jong Un's North Korean cyber hackers have been trying to steal military and nuclear secrets, UK, US and South Korea say
Daily Mail

Kim Jong Un’s North Korean cyber hackers have been trying to steal military and nuclear secrets, UK, US and South Korea say

A hacker group backed by the King Jong Un-led North Korean state has today been accused of trying to steal military and nuclear secrets by the UK, US and South Korea. Source link : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13672907/Kim-Jong-Uns-North-Korean-cyber-hackers-trying-steal-military-nuclear-secrets-UK-South-Korea-say.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490
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Biden, 81, doesn't mention his health or give any more details on why he suddenly dropped out... and instead talks 'ambition' and 'saving' democracy in 11-minute speech
Daily Mail

Biden, 81, doesn’t mention his health or give any more details on why he suddenly dropped out… and instead talks ‘ambition’ and ‘saving’ democracy in 11-minute speech

Joe Biden, 81, didn't mention any concerns about his heatlh or divulge additional details about why he suddenly dropped out of the 2024 presidential race during his Oval Office address. Source link : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13670033/biden-health-oval-office-address.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490 Author
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British serviceman fights for life after masked man 'looking for a soldier to attack' launches frenzied knife attack outside barracks: Police hold suspect, 24, 'who LICKED victim's blood' for attempted murder in horrific echo of Lee Rigby tragedy
Daily Mail

How Kent masked attacker ‘looking for a soldier’ stabbed British serviceman outside barracks ’12 times with a 10-inch knife’ before ‘licking blood from the weapon’ – as victim who was wounded ‘all over his body’ fights for his life

The victim, in his 40s, was attacked at around 6pm on Tuesday evening around 200 yards from Brompton Barracks in Gillingham, Kent. Witnesses say he was attacked by a man in a ski mask. Source
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