Daily Mail

The six lifestyle factors driving cancer epidemic in young people, according to major report

One of the country's largest cancer research organization's just released a report detailing six factors that could be contributing to the rise in cancer under age 50. Source link : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13860077/colon-cancer-major-factors-aacr-annual-report.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490 Author : Publish date
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Der Spiegel

Julian Nagelsmann kommen bei Nationalhymne die Tränen

Dass Bundestrainer Julian Nagelsmann bisweilen nah am Wasser gebaut ist, hat man nach dem EM-Aus der Nationalelf gesehen. Auch wenn bei Spielen die Hymne erklingt, wird er emotional. Source link : https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/leute/julian-nagelsmann-kommen-bei-nationalhymne-die-traenen-a-d02bae11-50b8-4d9a-a573-31fd93a21b2f#ref=rss Author : Publish
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