Die palästinensische Autonomiebehörde hat dem arabischen TV-Sender Al-Dschasira jede Tätigkeit im Westjordanland untersagt. Sie wirft dem Sender Hetze vor. Source link : https://www.dw.com/de/pal%C3%A4stinensische-beh%C3%B6rde-geht-gegen-al-dschasira-vor/a-71202475?maca=de-rss-de-all-1119-rdf Author : Publish…
Browsing: Deutsche Welle
The ecological disaster involving two aging Russian tankers off Crimea is escalating, with the oil spill spreading to the beach, Russian authorities have confirmed. Source link…
Zuletzt irritierte Musk mit einem Wahlaufruf für die AfD in einer deutschen Zeitung. Nun hat der Tech-Milliardär den obersten Repräsentanten der Bundesrepublik ins Visier genommen. Source…
After the Tesla boss added the German head of state to the list of politicians he has insulted, several lawmakers wonder how far Musk will go…
Sie überlebte den Holocaust und war die älteste lebende Olympiasiegerin: Nun ist Agnes Keleti 103-jährig gestorben. Source link : https://www.dw.com/de/trauer-um-olympia-ikone-agnes-keleti/a-71202087?maca=de-rss-de-all-1119-rdf Author : Publish date : 2025-01-02…
Five-time Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics Agnes Keleti has died at the age of 103. Until her death, Keleti, who survived the Holocaust in her native…
Nach dem Auto-Anschlag in der Silvesternacht in New Orleans gab es einen weiteren Zwischenfall in den USA: In Las Vegas ist ein Fahrzeug explodiert. Gibt es…
Friedrich Merz said a new push for a free trade deal with the US could “prevent a dangerous spiral of tariffs.” The opposition Christian Democrat leader…
Die Unglücksmaschine einer koreanischen Billigfluglinie zerschellte auf dem Flughafen Muan. Doch die Ursache dafür ist noch unklar. Die Ermittler suchen nach weiteren Hinweisen. Source link :…
Following the New Years’ truck ramming in Louisiana, federal agents have said they are carrying out related operations “in other states.” DW has the latest. Source…
Die Zahl der Opfer beim Auto-Anschlag in New Orleans ist weiter gestiegen. Wegen des Flugzeugunglücks in Südkorea haben Ermittler Büros der Airline durchsucht. Das Wichtigste in…
What is Karl Marx’s statue doing in Chemnitz, though he never visited the city? And why is Nova Gorica/Gorizia considered Europe’s last divided city? An introduction…
Der in Syrien gestürzte Assad-Clan gehört der Minderheit der Alawiten an. Deren Angst vor Diskriminierung nutzte das diktatorische Regime für den Machterhalt. Nun, nach dem Ende…
A surge in racist attacks have been recorded following the deadly Christmas market attack in Magdeburg, eastern Germany. The country’s far-right is instrumentalizing the incident to…
Die sexuell übertragbare Krankheit lässt sich auf einen 8000 Jahre alten Bakterienstamm in Amerika zurückführen. Ihre weltweite Verbreitung könnte die Syphilis den Kolonialisten des 15. Jahrhunderts…
At least one person has died and seven others wounded after a Tesla Cybertruck exploded outside a hotel belonging to US President-elect Donald Trump in Las…
Germany will hold new federal elections in February 2025. But regardless of who leads the next government, foreign policy will remain challenging. Source link : https://www.dw.com/en/german-foreign-policy-crisis-mode-to-continue-in-2025/a-71092683?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf…
According to an interior ministry report, people from Vietnam, Iran and Syria fueled the surge in numbers, with Afghanistan accounting for the single largest group of…
Jamal Musiala and Florian Wirtz have together played a big part in the revival of Germany’s men’s national football team, enthusing the country’s fans with their…
The airplane crash from the Thailand to South Korea flight claimed the lives of 179 of the 181 people on board. Investigators have suggested a bird…
The spacecraft signaled to researchers that it had survived the close brush with the sun and was in “good health.” Source link : https://www.dw.com/en/nasa-probe-survives-record-breaking-close-approach-to-sun/a-71167274?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf Author :…
Security risks and instability threaten Africa’s young democracies. Experts are calling for better governance and transparent elections to ensure political stability and economic growth. Source link…
A man shot and killed at least ten people in the city of Cetinje, local media reported. Following a brief manhunt, police reported the suspect died…
The pontiff has ushered in 2025 by calling for Catholics to reject abortion and calling for a “firm commitment” to protect and respect life “from conception…
As the site of several climate-related disasters, the Philippines is hard to ignore when officials advocate for accountability from polluters. The country is pushing for support…