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septembre 27, 2024


Verkehr: Säugling und drei Erwachsene bei Autounfall verletzt


Ein Auto gerät auf einer Bundesstraße ins Rutschen und kracht in einen entgegenkommenden Wagen. Auch ein Baby wird verletzt.Bei einem frontalen Zusammenstoß zweier Autos im südhessischen Landkreis Darmstadt-Dieburg sind ein Säugling und drei Erwachsene verletzt worden. Der Wagen einer 23-Jährigen war am Donnerstagabend auf der B426 ins Rutschen gekommen und auf die Gegenfahrbahn geraten, wie die Polizei mitteilte. Dort stieß er frontal mit einem Auto zusammen, in dem eine Familie mit einem neun Wochen alten Kind saß. Die junge Frau wurde ebenso wie das Baby und dessen 36 und 38 Jahre alten Eltern leicht verletzt. 


Source link : https://www.stern.de/gesellschaft/regional/hessen/verkehr–saeugling-und-drei-erwachsene-bei-autounfall-verletzt-35098998.html?utm_campaign=alle&utm_medium=rss-feed&utm_source=standard

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Publish date : 2024-09-27 03:10:56

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Frankfurter Allgemeine

Papstbesuch in Belgien: Franziskus trifft eine tief verunsicherte KIrche


Für drei Tage kommt das Oberhaupt der Katholiken nach Belgien. Von ihm wird ein öffentliches Zeichen gegen sexuellen Missbrauch in der Kirche erwartet. Franziskus kommt aber auch mit einer eigenen Agenda.


Source link : https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/papst-franziskus-besucht-belgien-und-eine-tief-verunsicherte-kirche-110010928.html

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 21:09:43

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Die Zeit

USA: Hurrikan Helene kurz vor Ankunft an der Küste Floridas


Der Tropensturm vor der Küste Floridas ist zu einem « extrem gefährlichen » Hurrikan hochgestuft worden. Gemessen wurden Windstärken von bis zu 215 Kilometern pro Stunde.


Source link : https://www.zeit.de/wissen/2024-09/usa-hurrikan-helene-stufe-vier-florida-extrem

Author : ZEIT ONLINE: Wissen – Julica Jungehülsing

Publish date : 2024-09-27 02:08:21

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Die Welt

Iran zeigt „Anzeichen der Bereitschaft“ für neue Atomgespräche


Laut dem Chef der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde IAEA Rafael Grossi ist der Iran bereit, Gespräche für ein Atomabkommen wiederaufzunehmen. Das habe ihm gegenüber Irans neuer Außenminister Abbas Araghtschi signalisiert. Grossi kündigt an, für Gespräche nach Teheran zu fliegen.


Source link : https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article253726976/IAEA-Chef-Iran-zeigt-Anzeichen-der-Bereitschaft-fuer-neue-Atomgespraeche.html

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Publish date : 2024-09-27 03:33:16

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Der Spiegel

Mississippi: US-Justizministerium enthüllt Machtmissbrauch und Rassismus bei Polizei in Lexington


Der Polizeichef des Südstaatenortes Lexington prahlte, wie viele Menschen er schon erschossen habe. Als das Justizministerium sein Revier genauer untersuchte, stießen die Ermittler offenbar auf Machtmissbrauch und Rassismus.


Source link : https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/mississippi-us-justizministerium-enthuellt-machtmissbrauch-und-rassismus-bei-polizei-in-lexington-a-060880c2-3d45-485c-ac5e-e25a7a2f38cb#ref=rss

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 23:24:00

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FOX News

CNN turns over internal documents as part of high-stakes defamation suit


FIRST ON FOX – CNN on Thursday night handed over a batch of internal documents to the legal team representing U.S. Navy veteran Zachary Young in a high-stakes defamation lawsuit against the news organization, Fox News Digital has learned. Young alleges that CNN smeared his security consulting company, Nemex Enterprises Inc., by implying it illegally profited when helping people flee Afghanistan during the Biden administration’s military withdrawal from the country in 2021. Young believes CNN « destroyed his reputation and business by branding him an illegal profiteer who exploited desperate Afghans » during a Nov. 11, 2021, segment on CNN’s « The Lead with Jake Tapper. » The document production comes after Judge William Henry agreed with Young’s lead counsel Vel Freedman that CNN should hand over sensitive financial information that the cable network presented to its parent company, Warner Bros. Discovery, in order to determine CNN’s net worth. CNN’s legal team turned over a batch of documents that the plaintiff’s legal team argued are relevant to determine the company’s ability to pay before Thursday’s midnight deadline, according to a source close to the case.Freedman confirmed he received the documents but declined further comment when reached by Fox News Digital. CNN did not immediately respond to a request for comment. DEFAMATION LAWSUIT AGAINST CNN COULD EXPOSE COMPANY’S FINANCIAL SECRETS AS COURT SEEKS TO EXPOSE NET WORTHThe CNN segment at the center of the suit, which was shared on social media and also repackaged for CNN’s website, began with Tapper informing viewers that CNN correspondent Alex Marquardt discovered « Afghans trying to get out of the country face a black market full of promises, demands of exorbitant fees, and no guarantee of safety or success. »Tapper tossed to Marquardt, who said « desperate Afghans are being exploited » and need to pay « exorbitant, often impossible amounts » to flee the country. Marquardt then singled out Young, putting a picture of his face on the screen and saying his company was asking for $75,000 to transport a vehicle of passengers to Pakistan for $14,500 per person to end up in the United Arab Emirates. »Prices well beyond the reach of most Afghans, » Marquardt told viewers. « We got Young’s number and called, but he didn’t pick up. In a text message, he told CNN that ‘Afghans trying to leave are expected to have sponsors pay for them. If someone reached out, we need to understand if they have a sponsor behind them to be able to pay evacuation costs which are highly volatile and based on environmental realities,’ » Marquardt continued. « Young repeatedly declined to break down the cost or say if he’s making money. » No other people or companies were named other than Young. « In another message, that person offering those evacuations, Zachary Young, he wrote, ‘Availability is extremely limited and demand is high’… he goes on to say, ‘That’s how economics works, unfortunately,’ » Marquardt told viewers.Tapper responded, « Unfortunately, hmm, » before thanking Marquardt for the report. CNN FACES DEFAMATION SUIT OVER AFGHANISTAN WITHDRAWAL STORY: ‘EVIDENCE OF ACTUAL MALICE’Young alleged that CNN, using the terms « black market, » « exploit » and « exorbitant, » painted him as a bad actor preying on desperate people. Earlier this year, judges with the First District Court of Appeal for the State of Florida ruled on June 12 that Young offered enough evidence that he was able to move forward with the defamation suit. »Young sufficiently proffered evidence of actual malice, express malice, and a level of conduct outrageous enough to open the door for him to seek punitive damages, » the court document states. « Whether Young can ultimately prevail is not the issue before us. »The judges wrote, « Young proffered CNN messages and emails that showed internal concern about the completeness and veracity of the reporting — the story is ‘a mess,’ ‘incomplete,’ not ‘fleshed out for digital,’ ‘the story is 80% emotion, 20% obscured fact,’ and ‘full of holes like Swiss cheese,’ » but the network aired it anyway. « Young also proffered a message exchange he had with Marquardt just hours before publication where he advised there were factual inaccuracies in the reporting. CNN published anyway, » the judges wrote, adding that other internal communications show CNN staffers « had little regard » for Young and used profanities and disparaging language when privately discussing him. »Marquardt referred to him as ‘f—ing Young’ and quipped, ‘it’s your funeral, bucko,' » according to the court document. »On appeal, CNN argues it did not intend to harm; its language was either opinion or ambiguous; and the internal communications were journalistic bravado that reflected a sincere belief in the reporting, » the judges wrote. A civil trial is scheduled to begin on Jan. 6, 2025, in front of Judge Henry in the Circuit Court for Bay County, Florida. 


Source link : https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-turns-over-internal-documents-part-high-stakes-defamation-suit

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Publish date : 2024-09-27 03:38:02

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The Washington Post

Virginia police officer arrested for inappropriate contact on duty


Prince William County Police officer James Thomas Clinton was charged with counts of abduction, sexual battery, and assault and battery.


Source link : https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/09/26/prince-william-police-officer-arrested/

Author : Hau Chu

Publish date : 2024-09-27 02:33:20

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The New York Times

Safety Board Warns of Rudder Control Defect in Some Boeing Planes


The National Transportation Safety Board said it had found a defective part in the system that helps steer the aircraft after investigating an incident at Newark airport.


Source link : https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/26/us/politics/boeing-rudder-defect-ntsb.html

Author : Mark Walker

Publish date : 2024-09-27 03:44:26

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Huffington Post

La Guadeloupe en vigilance rouge en raison de « fortes pluies et orages » ce jeudi


Météo France alerte sur un épisode « très intense » jusqu’à la fin de la journée.


Source link : https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/environnement/article/la-guadeloupe-en-vigilance-rouge-en-raison-de-fortes-pluies-et-orages-ce-jeudi_240152.html

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 18:33:57

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Courrier International

“Continuer à se battre” : Nétanyahou rejette l’idée d’une trêve au Liban


Le Premier ministre israélien a affirmé le 26 septembre avoir ordonné à son armée de poursuivre le combat au Liban “avec toute sa force”, au lendemain d’une initiative diplomatique lancée par Paris et Washington proposant un cessez-le-feu de trois semaines.


Source link : https://www.courrierinternational.com/article/israel-hezbollah-continuer-a-se-battre-netanyahou-rejette-l-idee-d-une-treve-au-liban_222657

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 16:47:09

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20 Minutes

Nucléaire iranien : Téhéran prêt à reprendre les négociations selon l’Agence internationale de l’énergie atomique


Nucléaire iranien : Téhéran prêt à reprendre les négociations selon l’Agence internationale de l’énergie atomique


Source link : https://www.20minutes.fr/monde/4112323-20240927-nucleaire-iranien-teheran-pret-reprendre-negociations-selon-agence-internationale-energie-atomique#xtor=RSS-149

Author : 20 Minutes avec AFP (20 Minutes)

Publish date : 2024-09-27 03:00:29

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C’est l’un des meilleurs films de science-fiction de tous les temps, il est de retour au cinéma


Régulièrement cité dans le top 5 des meilleurs films de science-fiction de tous les temps, ce long-métrage par un cinéaste oscarisé ressort au cinéma.


Source link : https://www.linternaute.com/cinema/magazine/6218323-article/

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 07:04:36

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La maire de Saint-Brieuc agressé avec le manche d’un couteau, l’auteur présumé arrêté


Légèrement blessé, Hervé Guihard a été pris à partie ce jeudi 26 septembre dans un bar du centre-ville, par un homme aux motifs encore inconnus, qui souffrirait de problèmes psychologiques, selon une source proche du dossier. L’individu s’en était déjà pris à l’élu en février dernier.


Source link : https://www.liberation.fr/societe/police-justice/la-maire-de-saint-brieuc-agresse-avec-le-manche-dun-couteau-lauteur-presume-arrete-20240926_6M6OUNK2SVHBXF6GB7BKV3XUPU/


Publish date : 2024-09-26 18:33:37

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Nouvel Obs

Aide médicale d’Etat : huit ex-ministres de la Santé alertent sur les « conséquences inacceptables » d’une réforme


Le ministre de l’Intérieur Bruno Retailleau a laissé entendre cette semaine qu’il ne « s’interdisait pas » de prendre des dispositions pour réformer l’Aide médicale d’Etat.


Source link : https://www.nouvelobs.com/politique/20240926.OBS94191/aide-medicale-d-etat-huit-ex-ministres-de-la-sante-alertent-sur-les-consequences-inacceptables-d-une-reforme.html

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 20:53:47

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Le Figaro

Thomas Piketty, le pape de la gauche radicale de plus en plus contesté


ENQUÊTE – Le débat fiscal en Occident, et particulièrement en France, est façonné par la thèse de Thomas Piketty d’une explosion des inégalités. De nombreux chercheurs la remettent pourtant aujourd’hui en cause.


Source link : https://www.lefigaro.fr/economie/thomas-piketty-le-pape-de-la-gauche-radicale-de-plus-en-plus-conteste-20240926

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 23:19:53

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Le Parisien

« Aujourd’hui, j’aurais appelé les urgences » : devant la cour d’assises, les regrets des amis d’Arnaud Lepage


« Aujourd’hui, j’aurais appelé les urgences » : devant la cour d’assises, les regrets des amis d’Arnaud Lepage


Source link : https://www.leparisien.fr/oise-60/aujourdhui-jaurais-appele-les-urgences-devant-la-cour-dassises-les-regrets-des-amis-darnaud-lepage-26-09-2024-AUO23IVADJGFDBGSTIDFIV7XYA.php

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Publish date : 2024-09-27 03:30:33

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Deutsche Welle

Papst Franziskus startet Besuche in Luxemburg und Belgien


Offizieller Anlass ist der 600. Jahrestag der Gründung der Katholischen Universität in Löwen. Doch bei den Gesprächen des Papstes geht es auch um andere Themen – wie die Gewalt in Nahost oder die Missbrauchsopfer.


Source link : https://www.dw.com/de/papst-franziskus-startet-besuche-in-luxemburg-und-belgien/a-70330523?maca=de-rss-de-all-1119-rdf

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 12:42:00

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La Justicia argentina ordena a la la RAE eliminar una acepción «discriminatoria» de la palabra «judío»


La Justicia argentina ha declarado discriminatoria una acepción de la palabra «judío» registrada en el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua (RAE), según informó este jueves a EFE el Congreso Judío Latinoamericano. El Juzgado Criminal y Correccional Federal número 12 de Buenos Aires ordenó a la RAE que suprima «inmediatamente» la quinta acepción de la palabra «judío/a», que lo define como «Dicho de una persona: Avariciosa o usurera», aunque el Diccionario aclara que su uso es «ofensivo o discriminatorio». La Justicia solicitó al Ente Nacional de Comunicaciones que bloquee provisionalmente el acceso por internet a la definición de «judío» hasta que la Academia de la Lengua cumpla con lo ordenado. Según el fallo, surgido a raíz de la denuncia conjunta presentada por el CJL, la Delegación de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas (DAIA) y la Asociación de Abogados Judíos de la República Argentina (AAJRA), esa acepción configura «un discurso de odio que incita a la discriminación por motivos religiosos«. «Hace años que las comunidades judías han intentado dialogar con la RAE para modificar el contenido antisemita de su definición, pero la única respuesta que obtuvimos sólo empeoraba la situación. Ante esta situación, nos vimos forzados a recurrir a la vía judicial», sostuvo Claudio Epelman, director del CJL, en declaraciones incluidas en el comunicado. Mientras, Jorge Knoblovits, presidente de la DAIA, indicó que la existencia de esa acepción «es un hecho preocupante y denunciable» porque, en su opinión, «perpetúa el antisemitismo». Según indicó el comunicado del CJL, la solicitud de cambio contó en su momento con el apoyo de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), de la Cancillería de Argentina, del Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos (INADI), de la Defensoría del Pueblo de Uruguay y de Miguel Ángel Moratinos, secretario General Adjunto y Alto Representante para la Alianza de Civilizaciones de la ONU.


Source link : https://www.abc.es/cultura/justicia-argentina-ordena-rae-eliminar-acepcion-discriminatoria-20240927024548-nt.html

Author : (abc)

Publish date : 2024-09-27 02:45:48

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Daily Star

TikToker who streamed his own court hearing walks free after claiming ‘genuine mistake’


Sam Walker, 41, was caught live-broadcasting on TikTok as a garda intervened during a hearing at Dublin District Court, as he flicked his middle finger up as he left a free man


Source link : https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/tiktoker-who-streamed-court-hearing-33762648

Author : [email protected] (Danny De Vaal, Charlotte Hadfield, Simon Hamalienko)

Publish date : 2024-09-26 20:06:14

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Urgent call for volunteer drivers to help elderly reach NHS appointments


‘It’s heartbreaking that lack of transportation is preventing people from getting to the medical appointments they need to attend’


Source link : https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/urgent-call-volunteer-drivers-help-33763057

Author : [email protected] (Alan Jones,, Unzela Khan)

Publish date : 2024-09-27 02:47:25

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The Independent

Ange Postecoglou hails Tottenham endeavour after win over Qarabag


Brennan Johnson and Dominic Solanke scored again to help Spurs begin the league phase of the Europa League in style.


Source link : https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/ange-postecoglou-europa-league-dominic-solanke-qarabag-australian-b2619778.html

Author : George Sessions

Publish date : 2024-09-27 00:52:28

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The Guardian

US Catholic diocese agrees to pay $323m to child sexual abuse survivors


Rockville Centre diocese in New York settles with more than 530 victims after proposed deal comes close to failureA Roman Catholic diocese in Long Island, New York, announced a new bankruptcy settlement on Thursday that would pay more than $323m to about 530 sex abuse survivors who alleged they were abused by priests when they were children.The diocese of Rockville Centre, which serves about 1.2 million Catholics in Nassau and Suffolk counties, said earlier this year that it did not think a bankruptcy settlement would be possible after abuse survivors rejected the diocese’s previous $200m settlement offer. Continue reading…


Source link : https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/26/new-york-catholic-diocese-rockville-centre

Author : Reuters

Publish date : 2024-09-27 02:22:55

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