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septembre 22, 2024

Courrier International

Faut-il être fier de l’histoire de son pays ?


Depuis 2013, les avis positifs des Britanniques au sujet du passé national se sont effondrés de 22 points, selon les résultats d’une grande enquête annuelle publiée début septembre. La presse tente de comprendre pourquoi.


Source link : https://www.courrierinternational.com/article/controverse-faut-il-etre-fier-de-l-histoire-de-son-pays_222149

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Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:41:29

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Grand Prix de Singapour : à quelle heure regarder la course ?


La dix-huitième manche de la saison promet du spectacle sur le circuit urbain de Singapour où plusieurs pilotes peuvent envisager la victoire ce dimanche.


Source link : https://www.linternaute.com/auto/magazine/6218327-grand-prix-de-formule-1-de-singapour-a-quelle-heure-regarder-la-course/

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Publish date : 2024-09-22 12:00:24

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En Iran, l’explosion d’une mine de charbon fait plus de 50 morts


Une fuite de méthane serait à l’origine de la détonation qui a eu lieu samedi soir. Une vingtaine de mineurs disparus sont encore recherchés ce dimanche.


Source link : https://www.liberation.fr/international/moyen-orient/en-iran-lexplosion-dune-mine-de-charbon-fait-plus-de-50-morts-20240922_XWFRD4BXSVBWBOBPTSXHIFB44I/


Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:27:20

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Nouvel Obs

Migaud, Genetet, Bregeon… Qui sont les principales nouvelles têtes du gouvernement Barnier ?


Trois quarts des membres du nouveau gouvernement n’ont jamais exercé de fonction mnistérielle. Parmi eux, plusieurs figures de la droite ou de la macronie peu connues du grand public… et un seul venu de la gauche, Didier Migaud.


Source link : https://www.nouvelobs.com/politique/20240922.OBS93925/migaud-genetet-bregeon-qui-sont-les-principales-nouvelles-tetes-du-gouvernement-barnier.html

Author : Maël Thierry, Boris Manenti, Matthieu Aron, Richard Godin et Paul Battez

Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:03:32

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Le Figaro

Laurent Saint-Martin, macroniste de la première heure, hérite du portefeuille épineux du Budget


PORTRAIT – Le patron de Business France, ancien député du camp présidentiel, hérite d’un des portefeuilles les plus complexes.


Source link : https://www.lefigaro.fr/conjoncture/laurent-saint-martin-macroniste-de-la-premiere-heure-herite-du-portefeuille-epineux-du-budget-20240922

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Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:41:51

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Deutsche Welle

Middle East updates: Hezbollah fires rockets into Israel


The Israeli military said rockets were fired from Lebanon overnight. Reports say the rockets struck buildings and landed much further into Israel than before. DW has the latest.


Source link : https://www.dw.com/en/middle-east-updates-hezbollah-fires-rockets-into-israel/live-70292455?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf

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Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:15:00

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Cardoso y Sabaly no se ejercitan en la víspera del duelo ante el Mallorca y Mateo Flores apunta a ir citado


Entrenamiento previo al partido ante el Mallorca el celebrado este domingo por la mañana en el estadio Benito Villamarín, que será el feudo que albergue el partido correspondiente a la sexta jornada de LaLiga EA Sports tras el triunfo ante el Getafe, dando comienzo a las 21.00. Y en él no han estado ni Cardoso ni Sabaly , que como avanzó este periódico el pasado sábado, apuntaban a ser baja debido a las molestias que siguen teniendo y que le han impedido entrenarse con el grupo tanto el sábado como este domingo. De este modo, es el centrocampista del Betis Deportivo Mateo Flores quien apunta a formar parte de la relación de citados de cara al duelo ante el conjunto balear. Se ha ejercitado como uno más precisamente un Flores en el Villamarín que salvo sorpresa servirá de recambio ante la baja de Cardoso, que mantiene la esperanza de poder ir convocado bien para el partido ante Las Palmas, bien ante el Espanyol, siempre y cuando el aductor deje de darle guerra en ese sentido. Se han ejercitado con el grupo con total normalidad hombres como Natan, Llorente, Marc Roca y Vitor Roque, que el pasado viernes realizaron labores de gimnasio, y prosiguieron con su plan de preparación el pasado sábado a puerta cerrada en la Luis del Sol para tratar las últimas claves antes de recibir al Mallorca. Lo Celso , hombre de la semana tras su doblete ante el Getafe, ha centrado un día más el foco de las cámaras y está al cien por cien para enfrentarse al cuadro mallorquinista. No así Bartra , que sigue con molestias. Pellegrini ha iniciado la sesión de este domingo como es costumbre con un charla en el césped del Benito Villamarín antes de dar paso a los ejercicios. Siguen causando baja de larga duración tanto Isco como William Carvalho, que continúan con sus respectivos procesos de recuperación y no formarán parte a corto plazo de ningún plan colectivo.


Source link : https://www.abc.es/deportes/alfinaldelapalmera/noticias-betis/cardoso-sabaly-ejercitan-vispera-duelo-ante-mallorca-20240922114936-nts.html

Author : (abc)

Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:49:37

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El Mundo

Calles anegadas en Zaragoza, Soria y La Rioja en un fin de semana con alerta por lluvias y tormentas en 14 CCAA


Las temperaturas máximas descenderán en las mitades norte y oeste peninsulares y aumentarán en el interior sudeste mientras las mínimas aumentarán en el Cantábrico oriental y el nordeste Leer


Source link : https://www.elmundo.es/espana/2024/09/20/66ed10c4e85ecede6e8b45b6.html

Author : Efe

Publish date : 2024-09-21 21:41:00

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Daily Star

Panicked plane passenger in booster seat grabbed throttle and caused crash in Blackpool


The pilot of the Pitts S-2A G-TIII light aircraft had invited one of his employees out for a flight from Blackpool Airport, but things didn’t go to plan when the passenger started having a panic attack


Source link : https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/panicked-plane-passenger-booster-seat-33685635

Author : [email protected] (Amy Fenton, Kelly Williams)

Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:00:00

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Sky News

More heavy rain and thunderstorms to come for parts of UK as summer ends


Autumn is officially here, and with it heavy rain and thunderstorms throughout the day to reinforce the message that summer is officially over.


Source link : https://news.sky.com/story/uk-weather-thunderstorms-and-heavy-rain-to-mark-end-of-the-summer-13219809

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Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:10:00

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‘Miracle’ arthritis treatment sees tiny plastic grains injected into joints


Genicular arterial embolisation is a minimally invasive procedure that scientists hope will be able to help give some hope to osteoarthritis patients following a successful trial


Source link : https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/miracle-arthritis-treatment-sees-tiny-33723939

Author : [email protected] (Chiara Fiorillo)

Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:36:19

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The Guardian

At least 51 people killed in Iran coalmine explosion


Methane gas blast at mine in South Khorasan province leaves further 20 injured, state media saysA gas explosion in a coalmine in Iran’s South Khorasan province has killed at least 51 people and injured 20, Iran’s state media said.The accident was caused by a methane gas explosion in two blocks, B and C, of the mine run by the Madanjoo company, state media said on Sunday. Continue reading…


Source link : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/sep/22/iran-coalmine-methane-gas-explosion-south-khorasan-province

Author : Reuters in Dubai

Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:27:22

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Daily Mail

‘She is already a professional dancer!’ Strictly’s Tasha Ghouri in ‘fix’ row as she receives standing ovation and glowing comments from the judges… but fans are delighted to see Aljaž Škorjanec return to show


Tasha Ghouri faced a ‘fix’ row on Saturday after BBC fans slammed her for being a ‘professional dancer’ as she received a standing ovation on week one of Strictly Come Dancing. 


Source link : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13877131/Strictly-Tasha-Ghouri-fix-row-Aljaz-korjanec-return.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490

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Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:36:43

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Nahverkehr: Schleswig-Holstein für Kontinuität beim D-Ticket


13 Millionen Kunden zahlen derzeit 49 Euro monatlich für das Deutschland-Ticket im Nahverkehr. Schleswig-Holstein fordert vor den Beratungen der Länder über den neuen Preis vor allem eines.Schleswig-Holsteins Verkehrsminister Claus Ruhe Madsen hat sich für einen moderaten Anstieg beim Preis des Deutschland-Tickets ausgesprochen. « Wir brauchen Kontinuität und einen vernünftigen Preis », sagte der CDU-Politiker der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Notwendig sei zudem ein Index-Modell für die Preisentwicklung. « Es kann ja nicht sein, dass die Verkehrsminister sich alle naselang zusammensetzen sollen, um über Ticketpreise zu diskutieren. »Schleswig-Holstein will sich im Vorfeld der Beratungen nicht auf einen Preis festlegen. « Am wichtigsten ist allerdings, dass der Bund endlich zusagt, dass das Ticket auch ab dem 1. Januar 2026 weitergeht », sagte Madsen. Angesichts der Bundestagswahl könne eine neue Bundesregierung sonst nicht schnell genug neue Mittel bereitstellen.Beratungen der LänderAktuell kostet das D-Ticket für den öffentlichen Nahverkehr 49 Euro im Monat. Am Montagmorgen treffen sich die Verkehrsminister zu einer digitalen Sondersitzung zu offenen Fragen des Deutschlandtickets. Dabei soll es allen vor allem um den künftigen Preis für das Ticket gehen.Aus Länderkreisen verlautete, dass die Tendenz auf 54 bis 59 Euro gehe. Eine Entscheidung soll aber erst in der Sitzung fallen. Bayerns Verkehrsministerium hatte zuletzt eine Erhöhung auf 64 Euro ins Gespräch gebracht.Es gebe im Vorfeld der Beratungen sehr viele Vermutungen, sagte Madsen. « Das fängt bei einem 5-Euro-Anstieg an, hin zu 10 Euro, der andere sagt vielleicht 17 Euro. » Notwendig sei ein lediglich mäßiger Preisanstieg.


Source link : https://www.stern.de/gesellschaft/regional/hamburg-schleswig-holstein/nahverkehr–schleswig-holstein-fuer-kontinuitaet-beim-d-ticket-35084386.html?utm_campaign=alle&utm_medium=rss-feed&utm_source=standard

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Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:33:47

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Frankfurter Allgemeine

Explosion vor Haus bei Bonn: Polizei prüft Zusammenhang mit Kölner Tatserie


In der Nacht zu Sonntag hat sich vor der Haustür eines Einfamilienhauses in Wachtberg-Adendorf eine Explosion ereignet. Die Polizei prüft mögliche Verbindungen zu der Serie von Schüssen und Brandanschlägen in Köln.


Source link : https://www.faz.net/aktuell/gesellschaft/kriminalitaet/explosion-vor-haus-bei-bonn-polizei-prueft-zusammenhang-mit-koelner-tatserie-110000837.html

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Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:35:27

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Die Zeit

Schreibstile im Internet: ICH LIEBE GROSSBUCHSTABEN


Donald Trump schreibt sozialmedial gern in Großbuchstaben, etwa « I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT ». Da zetert das Netz: Ist das nicht HETZE, und geht das nicht auch leiser? ACH WAS


Source link : https://www.zeit.de/kultur/2024-09/schreibstile-internet-grossschreibung-donald-trump-social-media

Author : ZEIT ONLINE: Kultur – Dirk Peitz

Publish date : 2024-09-22 10:10:10

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Die Welt

Drama um Anne Haug – WM-Traum nach 200 Metern auf der Radstrecke geplatzt


Es ist ein Tag zum Vergessen für Anne Haug – und das ausgerechnet beim Saisonhöhepunkt: der Ironman-Weltmeisterschaft der Frauen in Nizza. Deutschlands einzige Frau, die jemals den Ironman Hawaii gewann, muss das Rennen früh beenden.


Source link : https://www.welt.de/sport/triathlon/article253637170/Ironman-in-Nizza-Drama-um-Anne-Haug-WM-Traum-nach-200-Metern-auf-der-Radstrecke-geplatzt.html

Author : Melanie Haack

Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:14:35

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Der Spiegel

Donald Trump: Seine Wähler am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs – Kolumne


Katzen auf dem Grill, Serienkiller aus Venezuela, Kamala Harris als Faschistin – die Kampagne des Ex-Präsidenten wirkt wie ein hysterisches TikTok-Video. Wollen sich die Amerikaner wirklich zu Tode gruseln?


Source link : https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-seine-waehler-am-rande-des-nervenzusammenbruchs-kolumne-a-31392fe4-7f85-4cdb-99a0-8c196ce4eca5#ref=rss

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Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:34:00

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FOX News

‘Lost in Space’ mom June Lockhart admits to rebellious side beneath her squeaky-clean image


June Lockhart has been called a « rock ‘n’ roll goddess » by her TV son Bill Mumy – with good reason.The « Lost in Space » star, who is still recognized as one of America’s beloved TV moms, was known to rock out when she wasn’t filming her hit sci-fi series.The actress, 99, told Fox News Digital that she didn’t think twice about cranking up the radio when cameras stopped rolling.‘LOST IN SPACE’ STARS ANGELA CARTWRIGHT, BILL MUMY EXPLAIN WHY HIT ‘60S SERIES ENDED: ‘THERE WAS NO CLOSURE’ »I have been a music fan forever, » said Lockhart. « The Beatles, Stones, Chicago, David Bowie, Huey Lewis and the News, Tina Turner. . . . We threw a Halloween party at my home in the late ‘60s, and I hired a band called Hour Glass. They were fantastic. Truly talented guitars, keyboards and vocals . . . then they changed their name to The Alman Brothers Band! »Mumy previously told Fox News Digital that his TV mom had given him a no-nonsense education in music. »She loved rock ‘n’ roll, » said the former child star, 70. « She brought The Allman Brothers to the studio when they were in a group called Hour Glass. She took me and [co-star] Angela Cartwright to the Whiskey a Go Go. She got us tickets to see Simon & Garfunkel. June is truly a rock ‘n’ roll gal. »Life for Lockhart these days is « sweet » but not without hiccups. The star told Fox News Digital that she is speaking out after impostors pretended to be her on Facebook and asked fans for money. »It was disturbing to find out about this, » said Lockhart. « I do not participate in social media. I don’t use Facebook or Instagram. Certainly not X! « My team wrote a very firm Facebook message to the person who was using my image and likeness, posing as me. After a second message, the Facebook page was removed. I am not surprised that I was misrepresented, as others have been, too. »CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT NEWSLETTER »There are numerous fan pages, and so many people still love ‘Lassie’ and ‘Lost in Space,’ » she shared. « I think their interaction is nice, but if someone finds a page purporting to be my profile . . . it is not authentic. »A spokesperson for Facebook didn’t immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.Lockhart said it’s « great » that many still recognize her as their favorite TV mom. Despite having a secret rebellious side on set, she’s always been proud of her squeaky-clean image. She’s never been tempted to take on a sultry role in Hollywood, nor has she ever felt pressured over the years to look a certain way. »I was not offered those parts, » she said. « [And] I always eat carefully . . . in that silver spacesuit, you had better be in shape. »Music has always been a part of Lockhart’s life. As a child, she got her start on the stage of New York’s Metropolitan Opera. She would go on to make her screen debut in 1938 with MGM’s « A Christmas Carol. » She appeared with her parents, actors Gene and Kathleen Lockhart. She also appeared in 1944’s « Meet Me in St. Louis » opposite Judy Garland. But many still remember her best for playing matriarch Maureen in « Lost in Space » and Timmy’s mom Ruth in the original « Lassie. » »The premise of the series [intrigued me], » said Lockhart about her involvement in « Lost in Space. »LIKE WHAT YOU’RE READING? CLICK HERE FOR MORE ENTERTAINMENT NEWS »It was a view of family dynamics of a marooned group of scientists and two children, and how they survived, » she shared. « It was ‘Space Family Robinson,’ a play on ‘Swiss Family Robinson.’’ . . . Each of my costars was a wonderful professional. It was a very happy set with lots of laughs and genuine affection between us. »When music wasn’t playing, there was plenty of laughter on set. »Some of the episodes were so silly that it was a challenge to keep from getting a case of the giggles, » she said about « Lost in Space. » »{And] the only thing I ever cooked on ‘Lassie’ was a pot of water, but my stirring technique was very convincing! » she noted.She also earned another title on set – that of « Mistress of Scrabble. » »As you know, there is a lot of waiting on the set, » she said. « I love word games and strategy. Scrabble was the best way to spend the time. »Over the years, Lockhart has kept a close bond with her TV children. She’s even inspired other children who grew up watching her to reach for the stars. »I am in touch with Bill Mumy, Angela Cartwright, Marta Kristen and, of course, Jon Provost [from ‘Lassie’], » she said. « They are such wonderfully accomplished people, and I have such affection for them. » »I was over the moon – pun intended, » she also told Fox News Digital about being recognized by NASA for her impact on space exploration. »I have been told that my contribution inspired many astronauts to pursue a career in space science and exploration, » she said. « It is lovely to know that I touched so many people by doing things that interested me! » »Lost in Space » came to an end in 1968. For Lockhart, it was the right time. »My philosophy has always been that all jobs come to an end, » she said. « You move on to the next one. »CHER, GREGG ALLMAN’S MARRIAGE PLAGUED BY DRUGS AND FAME, BUT ROCKER ‘NEVER STOPPED LOVING HER’: AUTHORToday, Lockhart is « happy and enjoying every day. » She still cherishes the many fond memories she created in Hollywood. »I loved my craft and my cast members, » she said. « I never forgot that it is all make-believe. »


Source link : https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/lost-space-mom-june-lockhart-rebellious-side-squeaky-clean-image

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Publish date : 2024-09-22 10:00:54

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Huffington Post

Gouvernement de Michel Barnier : l’absence d’un ministère dédié au Handicap ne passe pas inaperçue


Le ministre des Solidarités et de l’Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes hérite du handicap, sans que cela n’apparaisse dans son intitulé. Les associations fulminent.


Source link : https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/politique/article/gouvernement-de-michel-barnier-l-absence-d-un-ministere-dedie-au-handicap-ne-passe-pas-inapercue_239935.html

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Publish date : 2024-09-22 11:25:18

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