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juillet 2, 2024

20 Minutes

Insultes, gifles, crachats… Le rappeur Moha La Squale jugé pour des violences sur des ex-compagnes


Le rappeur Moha La Squale est jugé à partir de ce mardi, à Paris, pour des violences sur d’anciennes compagnes.Plusieurs jeunes femmes l’accusent de les avoir insultées, menacées et frappées alors qu’elles étaient en couple avec l’artiste.Ce dernier assur


Source link : https://www.20minutes.fr/justice/4099155-20240702-insultes-gifles-crachats-rappeur-moha-squale-juge-violences-ex-compagnes#xtor=RSS-149

Author : Thibaut Chevillard (20 Minutes)

Publish date : 2024-07-02 06:59:14

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DIRECT. Résultat des législatives : des ministres sous le choc, les stratégies s’affinent


Deux jours après les résultats du premier tour des législatives, le camp présidentiel a du mal à définir une ligne claire sur la stratégie à adopter en vue du second tour. Les ministres paraissent divisés sur la question.


Source link : https://www.linternaute.com/actualite/politique/5616269-direct-resultat-des-legislatives-des-ministres-sous-le-choc-les-strategies-s-affinent/

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Publish date : 2024-07-02 07:31:06

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«Une telle opportunité centrée sur la santé des femmes est à ne pas manquer» : l’Institut des cancers des femmes, nouvel espoir médical


Une nouvelle structure regroupant l’Institut Curie, l’université Paris Sciences & Lettres, ainsi que l’Inserm, vient d’ouvrir ses portes. Rencontre avec sa directrice, la professeure Anne Vincent-Salomon qui insiste sur la volonté de déclencher une dynamique pour révolutionner la prévention et le soin.


Source link : https://www.liberation.fr/societe/sante/une-telle-opportunite-centree-sur-la-sante-des-femmes-est-a-ne-pas-manquer-linstitut-des-cancers-des-femmes-nouvel-espoir-medical-20240701_BBYVMN4GO5CUHFKJDNOSTQAROI/

Author : Eric Favereau

Publish date : 2024-07-01 19:19:22

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Nouvel Obs

« Ça sent le cramé dans la brise » : avec « No pasarán », le rap tient son nouvel hymne anti-RN


Fianso, Pit Baccardi, Zola, Akhenaton, Seth Gueko ou encore Soso Maness ont décidé de faire front commun contre le Rassemblement national dans un brûlot rap long de dix minutes.


Source link : https://www.nouvelobs.com/culture/20240701.OBS90538/ca-sent-le-crame-dans-la-brise-avec-no-pasaran-le-rap-tient-son-nouvel-hymne-anti-rn.html

Author : Julien Bouisset

Publish date : 2024-07-01 23:44:08

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Le Figaro

Euro 2024 : le Portugal sort la Slovénie aux tirs au but et défiera la France en quarts de finale


Portugal-France, ce sera donc l’affiche du quart de finale, vendredi soir, à Hambourg (21h). Les coéquipiers de CR7 ont sorti la Slovénie aux tirs au but, lundi, en 8es de finale de l’Euro (1-0, 3-0 t.a.b.).


Source link : https://www.lefigaro.fr/sports/football/euro/euro-2024-le-portugal-sort-la-slovenie-aux-tirs-au-but-et-defiera-la-france-en-quarts-de-finale-20240701

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Publish date : 2024-07-02 07:21:31

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Euro 2024 : les Pays-Bas veulent redorer leur blason face à la Roumanie


Les Pays-Bas affrontent la Roumanie à Munich, mardi, en huitièmes de finale de l’Euro 2024. Les Oranje, qui n’ont plus fait partie du top 8 continental depuis seize ans, ont un statut à faire respecter face à des Roumains sans complexe et portés par une dynamique sportive favorable.


Source link : https://www.france24.com/fr/sports/20240702-pour-publication-2-07-matin-euro-2024-les-pays-bas-veulent-redorer-leur-blason-face-%C3%A0-la-roumanie

Author : FRANCE 24

Publish date : 2024-07-02 06:45:28

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Deutsche Welle

Hurricane Beryl batters Caribbean with Category 4 winds


Hurricane Beryl destroyed homes on islands from Grenada to St Lucia. Authorities have warned people to exercise caution over the coming days because the storm could strengthen to a Category 5 hurricane.


Source link : https://www.dw.com/en/hurricane-beryl-batters-caribbean-with-category-4-winds/a-69534156?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf

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Publish date : 2024-07-02 05:48:00

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Detenido un menor de 14 años después de que un joven fuera apuñalado en la Universidad de Sídney


La Policía de Australia ha detenido este martes a un menor de 14 años después de que un joven fuera apuñalado en las instalaciones de la Universidad de Sídney y fuera trasladado al hospital con pronóstico grave pero estable. Los servicios de emergencia han recibido un aviso a las 8.35 horas (hora local) en el que se informaba de que un joven de 22 años presentaba una herida de arma blanca. Después del suceso, un adolescente subió a un autobús , según ha informado la cadena de televisión australiana ABC. Poco tiempo después, los agentes han arrestado al niño. Las autoridades creen que ninguna de las personas se conoce entre sí. Un portavoz de la universidad ha indicado que se está barajando una mayor presencia policial en el campus mientras continúan las investigaciones.


Source link : https://www.abc.es/internacional/detenido-menor-anos-despues-joven-apunalado-universidad-20240702064344-nt.html

Author : (abc)

Publish date : 2024-07-02 06:44:22

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Daily Star

‘I tried Cristiano Ronaldo’s £1,500 champagne and was left feeling siuuuu ripped off’


EXCLUSIVE: The Daily Star’s Adam Cailler got his hands on one of only 777 bottles of Cristiano Ronaldo’s very expensive champagne, but was he ‘siuuuuuu’ pleased with it? Not quite


Source link : https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/i-tried-cristiano-ronaldos-1500-33138069

Author : [email protected] (Adam Cailler)

Publish date : 2024-07-01 17:27:19

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Sky News

Secret Epstein documents show prosecutors knew about abuse years before plea deal


Prosecutors knew Jeffrey Epstein sexually assaulted girls two years before they struck a deal long criticised as a missed chance to stop him, according to newly released transcripts.


Source link : https://news.sky.com/story/secret-epstein-documents-show-prosecutors-knew-about-abuse-two-years-before-plea-deal-13162153

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Publish date : 2024-07-02 05:09:00

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‘My son has been been rejected from 30 secondary schools – the council could easily solve it’


Kelly says she has applied to 30 schools, covering everywhere from Broadstairs to Swanley, but has been refused a place at every one due to her son’s complex needs.


Source link : https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/my-son-been-been-rejected-33148144

Author : [email protected] ( Keely Greenwood, Paige Ingram)

Publish date : 2024-07-02 06:14:26

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The Guardian

Rees-Mogg tells young Tories he wants to ‘build a wall in the English Channel’


Ex-cabinet minister reiterates backing for Donald Trump and claims ‘Biden doesn’t like Britain’ in leaked recordingJacob Rees-Mogg has said he wants to “build a wall in the English Channel” in a leaked recording, in which he heaped praise on Donald Trump and the hardline Republican response to immigration.Speaking to young Conservative activists, Rees-Mogg doubled down on his backing for the former US president, saying he took the right approach by building a border wall. Continue reading…


Source link : https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jul/02/rees-mogg-tories-build-wall-english-channel-donald-trump-biden

Author : Jessica Elgot Deputy political editor

Publish date : 2024-07-02 06:00:34

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Daily Mail

House of the Dragon fans are left horrified by VERY explicit sex scene in latest HBO episode


TV fanatics were left in disbelief after an extremely explicit scene appeared on their screens while watching House of the Dragon. In the latest episode of the HBO drama, fans got an eyeful.


Source link : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13588391/house-dragon-fans-horrified-sex-scene-hbo-episode.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490

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Publish date : 2024-07-02 05:00:09

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Skurrile Feriendomizile: Schlafen in den Dünen: Ankerbojen sind bei Paaren beliebt


Vor mehr als hundert Jahren dienten die Stahlbojen vor der norwegischen Nordseeküste noch als Anker für Schiffe. Heute kann man in ihnen übernachten. Viel Platz ist allerdings nicht.In den Dünen im ostfriesischen Harlesiel stehen seit rund zwei Jahren zwei alte Ankerbojen, in denen zwei Gäste übernachten können. Das Angebot werde sehr gut angenommen, sagt Andreas Smidt, der zusammen mit Christian Pree die Bojen vermietet. « Die meisten bleiben eine Nacht, wir haben aber auch welche, die kommen für eine Woche », sagt er. Viel mehr Platz als für das Bett ist nicht vorhanden: Die Bojen sind 3,20 Meter lang, der Durchmesser beträgt maximal knapp 1,90 Meter. « Die meisten Paare wollen gar nicht viel Platz, die wollen kuscheln », sagt Andreas Smidt. Der Sanitärbereich ist 150 Meter entfernt.Die Stahlbojen dienten um 1900 herum vor der norwegischen Nordseeküste als Anker für Schiffe – anders als Schwimmbojen lagen sie auf dem Meeresgrund. Bei Arbeiten vor der Küste seien sie geborgen worden. Pree und Smidt kauften zwei und richteten sie als Schlafplatz ein: Durch ein riesiges Bullauge als Tür schauen die Gäste Richtung Wangerooge und Spiekeroog, eine Panoramaluke bietet Sicht nach oben. Das sei sowohl bei sternenklarem Himmel als auch bei Gewitter faszinierend, sagt Smidt. An der niedersächsischen Nordseeküste werden zahlreiche weitere skurrile Unterkünfte angeboten – vom Floß über Schlafstrandkörbe bis zum Signalturm.   


Source link : https://www.stern.de/gesellschaft/regional/niedersachsen-bremen/skurrile-feriendomizile–schlafen-in-den-duenen–ankerbojen-sind-bei-paaren-beliebt-34844950.html?utm_campaign=alle&utm_medium=rss-feed&utm_source=standard

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Publish date : 2024-07-02 05:30:36

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Frankfurter Allgemeine

Nach dem Immunitätsurteil: Bidens Brandrede


Der angeschlagene Präsident Biden hat den Supreme Court wegen des Urteils im Fall Trump über präsidentielle Immunität scharf kritisiert. Nun müssten die Amerikaner im November ein Urteil fällen.


Source link : https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/nach-dem-immunitaetsurteil-bidens-brandrede-19827452.html

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Publish date : 2024-07-02 05:07:07

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Die Zeit

Präsidentenwahl: Venezuelas Regierung will mit USA über Sanktionen verhandeln


Nach einer Phase der Annäherung belegten die USA Venezuela erneut mit Sanktionen. Kurz vor der Wahl in Venezuela könnte es wieder direkte Gespräche geben.


Source link : https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2024-07/venezuela-nicolas-maduro-verhandlungen-sanktionen-usa

Author : ZEIT ONLINE: Ausland – Katharina James

Publish date : 2024-07-02 05:32:41

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Die Welt

Opfer der Hamas-Terroristen verklagen Iran und Nordkorea auf Milliarden-Entschädigung


Opfer des Hamas-Massakers vom 7. Oktober auf Israel haben in den USA Klage eingereicht. Sie fordern vom Iran, Syrien und Nordkorea eine Milliarden-Entschädigung. Die Länder hätten die radikalen Islamisten überhaupt erst in die Lage für den Angriff gebracht.


Source link : https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article252299278/Klage-in-den-USA-Opfer-der-Hamas-Terroristen-verklagen-Iran-und-Nordkorea-auf-Milliarden-Entschaedigung.html

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Publish date : 2024-07-02 05:18:02

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Der Spiegel

Panama – Raúl Mulino: Präsident beginnt mit hartem Migrationskurs


Die Fluchtroute durch den Darién-Dschungel in Panama gilt als eine der gefährlichsten der Welt. Dennoch versuchen es Hunderttausende Menschen pro Jahr. Neupräsident Mulino will das Problem angehen. Mithilfe der USA.


Source link : https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/panama-raul-mulino-praesident-beginnt-mit-hartem-migrationskurs-a-cf95470a-495f-4705-9606-396d0459b224#ref=rss

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Publish date : 2024-07-02 01:35:00

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FOX News

Sources close to Biden report ‘marked incidence of cognitive decline’ in last 6 months: Bernstein


Anonymous sources reportedly close to President Biden have allegedly witnessed « 15, 20 occasions in the last year and a half » similar to what the country saw at last week’s presidential debate. « These are people, several of them who are very close to President Biden who loved him, have supported him and among them are some people who would raise a lot of money for him. And they are adamant that what we saw the other night, the Joe Biden we saw, is not an a one-off, that there have been 15, 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the president has appeared somewhat as he did in that horror show that we witnessed, » CNN’s Carl Bernstein told Anderson Cooper Monday night, referring to the debate. « And what’s so significant is the people that this is coming from, and also how many people around the president are aware of such incidents, including some reporters incidentally who have witnessed some of them, » he said.Alluding to Biden’s address to the nation in reaction to the Supreme Court immunity ruling involving the Trump legal cases Monday, Bernstein continued, « But here we see tonight, that, as these people say, President Biden at his absolute best, and yet these people who have supported him, loved them, campaigned for him, see him often, say that in the last six months particularly there has been a marked incidence of cognitive decline and physical infirmity. »BILL MAHER GETS BLUNT WITH FELLOW DEMOCRATS ON BIDEN: ‘HE IS GOING TO LOSE, IT’S SO APPARENT’The 80-year-old veteran journalist alleged that the sources he spoke with said that over the past year they warned top Biden ally Ron Klain, who oversaw debate prep at Camp David, that they « have a problem, » telling the Biden confidant of instances where the president has « lost his train of thought » and « can’t pick it up again. » »There was a fundraiser at which he started at the podium. And then he became very stiff, according to the people there, as if it were almost a kind of rigor mortis, » Bernstein said. « This was a year ago almost exactly at the old Four Seasons restaurant on Park Avenue. And he became very stiff and a chair had to be brought for him to do the latter part of the event. » « I think that what these folks are saying and have been saying for a while is, ‘Yes, he’s great when we see him, as we have tonight. But he also has these inexplicable moments that we’re very concerned about and you, Ron Klain, and the First Family, we need to talk about this.’ And they’ve been pushed back repeatedly whenever it’s been brought up, » he continued.BIDEN’S ‘DISASTER’ DEBATE PERFORMANCE SPARKS MEDIA MELTDOWN, CALLS FOR HIM TO WITHDRAW FROM 2024 RACEWhile Bernstein said his sources insist Biden has been « sharp » in his national security meetings, he suggested the country is « dealing with two sets of one person. » « And it really needs to be explored, according to the people I’m talking to, » Bernstein said. « And I think an awful lot of major Democrats believe this, including some who have made statements to the contrary. But this is a problem that’s not gonna go away. »Neither the White House nor the Biden campaign immediately responded to Fox News Digital’s requests for comment.MEDIA FIGURES SHOCKED AT BIDEN’S ‘BAD’ DEBATE PERFORMANCE: ‘TOTAL AND COMPLETE DISASTER’ Biden’s shocking debate performance has become a political earthquake with wide swaths of the liberal media calling for him to withdraw from the presidential race. « Mr. Biden has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long-term challenges, and the wounds ripped open by Mr. Trump have begun to heal. But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election, » The New York Times editorial board wrote Friday.However, top Democrats are rallying behind Biden, including former President Obama. »Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know, » Obama said in a statement Friday. « But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November. »


Source link : https://www.foxnews.com/media/sources-close-biden-report-marked-incidence-cognitive-decline-last-6-months-bernstein

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Publish date : 2024-07-02 04:26:27

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The Washington Post

Federal court blocks Biden’s pause on approving gas export projects


A federal court on Monday blocked the Biden administration’s pause on approving new facilities that export liquefied natural gas.


Source link : https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2024/07/01/liquefied-natural-gas-exports-court-ruling/

Author : Maxine Joselow

Publish date : 2024-07-02 04:56:07

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