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Mort de la petite Célya : des coups de couteau au moment de l’enlèvement, son beau-père interpellé


La fillette de 6 ans avait disparu ce vendredi 12 juillet, peu avant 18 heures, de son domicile en Seine-Maritime. Le compagnon de sa mère lui aurait asséné des coups de couteau au moment de son enlèvement. Il a été arrêté…


Source link : https://www.linternaute.com/actualite/faits-divers/5707297-disparition-de-celya-la-fillette-retrouvee-morte-une-photo-de-son-ravisseur-toujours-en-fuite-publiee/

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Publish date : 2024-07-13 08:06:00

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Bac 2024 : 91,4% des élèves ont eu leur diplôme, en hausse de 0,4 point par rapport à 2023


Le ministère de l’Education nationale a publié le détails des résultats ce vendredi 12 juillet. Plus de la moitié des candidats obtiennent leur baccalauréat avec mention.


Source link : https://www.liberation.fr/societe/education/bac-2024-914-des-eleves-ont-eu-leur-diplome-en-hausse-de-04-point-par-rapport-a-2023-20240712_XHZGPUB7DFGUVGEBGRXD6CGI5A/


Publish date : 2024-07-12 18:54:14

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Nouvel Obs

Dix choses à savoir sur Huguette Bello que le Nouveau Front Populaire pourrait porter à Matignon


Poussée par les communistes et Jean-Luc Mélenchon, la présidente de la Réunion pourrait diriger le gouvernement que le Nouveau Front Populaire cherche à imposer à Emmanuel Macron.


Source link : https://www.nouvelobs.com/politique/20240712.OBS91068/dix-choses-a-savoir-sur-huguette-bello-que-le-nouveau-front-populaire-pourrait-porter-a-matignon.html

Author : Emmanuelle Souffi, Paul Battez et Loïc Pradier

Publish date : 2024-07-12 22:54:44

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Le Figaro

Le désordre qui vient: radiographie de la France fracturée, par Jérôme Fourquet


GRAND ENTRETIEN – Les élections législatives ont confirmé la partition du pays en trois blocs politiques qui recouvrent les trois blocs sociologiques du pays, estime le directeur Opinion de l’Ifop.


Source link : https://www.lefigaro.fr/politique/le-desordre-qui-vient-radiographie-de-la-france-fracturee-par-jerome-fourquet-20240712

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Publish date : 2024-07-12 19:05:55

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Aux États-Unis, le procès d’Alec Baldwin pour homicide involontaire annulé pour vice de procédure


Le procès de l’acteur américain Alec Baldwin, 66 ans, pour homicide involontaire sur le tournage du film « Rust » a été annulé vendredi à cause d’un vis de procédure. La juge Mary Marlowe Sommer a annulé le procès pour rétention de preuve.


Source link : https://www.france24.com/fr/am%C3%A9riques/20240713-aux-%C3%A9tats-unis-le-proc%C3%A8s-d-alec-baldwin-pour-homicide-involontaire-annul%C3%A9-pour-vice-de-proc%C3%A9dure

Author : FRANCE 24

Publish date : 2024-07-13 08:19:20

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Le Parisien

Week-end en Île-de-France et dans l’Oise : 6 idées de sorties pour ce dimanche 14 juillet


Week-end en Île-de-France et dans l’Oise : 6 idées de sorties pour ce dimanche 14 juillet


Source link : https://www.leparisien.fr/culture-loisirs/sortir-region-parisienne/week-end-en-ile-de-france-et-dans-loise-6-idees-de-sorties-pour-ce-dimanche-14-juillet-13-07-2024-657X62K5G5BIZAQOY22WE7375Q.php

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Publish date : 2024-07-13 08:30:08

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Deutsche Welle

North Korea decries ‘illegal’ joint NATO declaration


Pyongyang said a joint NATO declaration this week « incites new Cold War and military confrontation on a global scale. » The statement accuses North Korea of backing Russian aggression in Ukraine.


Source link : https://www.dw.com/en/north-korea-decries-illegal-joint-nato-declaration/a-69650178?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf

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Publish date : 2024-07-13 08:03:00

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Diez años de música y segundas oportunidades


Una versión de La Tarara mezclada con Entre Dos Aguas, de Paco de Lucía, fue la pieza con la que, hace diez años, la Orquesta de La Música del Reciclaje empezó a caminar. Adaptar este tema fue idea de uno de nuestros profesores, y desde el primer minuto, a nuestros niños y niñas, les encantó. Empezamos haciéndola muy sencilla, con unos pequeños pizzicatos, y a los tres meses la estábamos tocando en el Auditorio Nacional de Madrid. La Música del Reciclaje, la orquesta que tengo la gran suerte de dirigir, nació con el objetivo de demostrar que nada ni nadie es de usar y tirar, y que las segundas oportunidades existen. Esto podría haberse hecho de muchas formas, pero Ecoembes… Ver Más


Source link : https://www.abc.es/antropia/victor-gil-diez-anos-musica-segundas-oportunidades-20240713081936-nt.html

Author : (abc)

Publish date : 2024-07-13 08:19:42

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El Mundo

34 años de cárcel para los dos principales acusados del magnicidio del periodista Fernando Villavicencio


Su abogado insistió en que este es el primer paso en busca de hacer público quiénes son los autores intelectuales del magnicidio Leer


Source link : https://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2024/07/13/6691c1a6e85eced5588b45b2.html

Author : Daniel Lozano

Publish date : 2024-07-13 01:52:09

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Daily Star

Patriotic pub sticks it to Spain by renaming beers after England stars for Euros final


EXCLUSIVE: The Daily Star has not only found but visited a pub that’s refusing to serve Spanish beers ahead of England’s Euro 2024 final. Well kind of, Cruzcampo and Madri have both undergone something of a name change


Source link : https://www.dailystar.co.uk/sport/football/patriotic-pub-sticks-spain-renaming-33232818

Author : [email protected] (Charles Wade-Palmer)

Publish date : 2024-07-12 22:01:26

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‘Genius’ 30p hack leaves kitchen spotless with common household item


While cleaning your kitchen can often be a tiresome and expensive chore, it doesn’t have to be due to an easily available cleaning product that can purchased at a local supermarket


Source link : https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/genius-30p-hack-leaves-kitchen-33199874

Author : [email protected] (Liam Buckler)

Publish date : 2024-07-13 08:00:00

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The Independent

UN chief urges funds for Palestinians, saying Israel is forcing Gazans ‘to move like human pinballs’


The United Nations chief is appealing for funding for the beleaguered U.N. agency helping Palestinian refugees in Gaza and elsewhere in the Middle East


Source link : https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/unrwa-ap-gaza-antonio-guterres-israel-b2579145.html

Author : Edith M. Lederer

Publish date : 2024-07-13 07:07:47

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The Guardian

Smart rings: England players hope £300 gadget will give them Euro 2024 edge


FA has supplied Oura health trackers popularised by stars including Prince Harry to Gareth Southgate and teamAdored by royalty and celebrities across the globe, the a £300 smart ring has found itself centre stage at the Euros, adorning the fingers of England players and staff, who are hopeful it can give them the edge over Spain on Sunday.Bought in bulk in March by the FA – and previously described as “addictive” by defender John Stones – the hi-tech piece of titanium monitors the players’ heart rate, sleep and stress levels, calculating their readiness to train and seize victory on the pitch. Continue reading…


Source link : https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/jul/13/smart-rings-england-euro-2024-fa-oura-gareth-southgate

Author : Samuel Gibbs Consumer technology editor

Publish date : 2024-07-13 07:00:12

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Daily Mail

How the Clooneys seduced their new French neighbours… thanks to Amal’s fluent French, a penchant for local salmon sandwiches – oh, and George’s homegrown rosé!


Hailed as ‘the most beautiful village in France’, there is certainly much to recommend Cotignac. Historic and picturesque, its narrow streets shelter in the shade of a huge limestone cliff.


Source link : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13629013/Clooneys-seduced-French-neighbours-Amal-fluent-French-George-homegrown-rose.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490

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Publish date : 2024-07-13 07:14:03

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Testen Sie ihr Wissen: Gelantine oder Gelatine: Wie gut ist Ihre Rechtschreibung wirklich?


Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache. Selbst bei Muttersprachlern schleichen sich immer wieder Fehler ein. Diese sechs Fragen zum Thema Rechtschreibung sind besonders knifflig. Kennen Sie die richtigen Lösungen?Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache. Selbst bei Muttersprachlern schleichen sich immer wieder Fehler ein. Diese sechs Fragen zum Thema Rechtschreibung sind besonders knifflig. Kennen Sie die richtigen Lösungen?


Source link : https://www.stern.de/panorama/wissen/rechtschreibung-testen-mit-wissenstest–gelantine-oder-gelatine—7680454.html?utm_campaign=alle-videos&utm_medium=rssfeed&utm_source=standard

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Publish date : 2024-07-12 12:56:00

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Frankfurter Allgemeine

Liveblog zum Krieg in Nahost: Netanjahu verschärft offenbar Haltung in Geisel-Verhandlungen


Hamas schlägt unabhängige Regierung in Palästinensergebieten vor +++ Vorstoß in Verhandlungen über Waffenruhe +++ Gallant fordert Untersuchung der Versäumnisse am 7. Oktober +++ alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog


Source link : https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/krieg-in-nahost/israel-krieg-im-liveticker-netanjahu-verschaerft-offenbar-haltung-in-geisel-verhandlungen-faz-19589481.html

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Publish date : 2024-07-13 06:07:27

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Die Zeit

Regierungsbildung in Frankreich: Alles ein bisschen chaotisch grade


Die Neue Volksfront will regieren, aber Präsident Macron will das verhindern. Bisher passt in Frankreich nichts zusammen. Und: In den USA verbreitet sich die Vogelgrippe.


Source link : https://www.zeit.de/politik/2024-07/regierungsbildung-frankreich-emmanuel-macron-nachrichtenpodcast

Author : ZEIT ONLINE: Politik – Simone Gaul

Publish date : 2024-07-13 05:56:11

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Die Welt

Die Sonne lacht über diesen Verfassungsschutz


In einem Video warnt der niedersächsische Verfassungsschutz vor der neurechten Kampagne „Stolzmonat“. Sie sei aufgeladen mit Nationalismus und Hass und verstoße gegen das Grundgesetz. Viel falscher kann man nicht liegen. Eben dieses Grundgesetz schützt – huch! – auch rechte Meinungen.


Source link : https://www.welt.de/debatte/kommentare/plus252496966/Warnung-vor-Stolzmonat-Die-Sonne-lacht-ueber-diesen-Verfassungsschutz.html

Author : Anna Schneider

Publish date : 2024-07-13 07:12:42

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Der Spiegel

News: Donald Trumps Vize-Kandidat, Ursula von der Leyen vor Wiederwahl, Bahnchaos bei der EM


Heute könnte Donald Trump verraten, wen er sich als Vize wünscht. Ursula von der Leyen kämpft um die Stimmen der EU-Parlamentarier. Und unsere EM-Gäste nehmen ein sehr deutsches Souvenir mit nach Hause. Das ist die Lage am Samstagmorgen.


Source link : https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/news-donald-trumps-vize-kandidat-ursula-von-der-leyen-vor-wiederwahl-bahnchaos-bei-der-em-a-e30f1714-9d37-421b-8a44-fac26dda2d10#ref=rss

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Publish date : 2024-07-13 06:46:00

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FOX News

Benches clear between Yankees and Orioles after batter gets hit in head with 96 mph pitch


An old AL East rivalry was reheated Friday night as the benches cleared between the Yankees and Orioles in the bottom of the ninth.Yankees closer Clay Holmes hit Heston Kjerstad in the head with a 96.8 mph sinker, which didn’t do much sinking, on an 0-2 pitch in the bottom of the ninth inning.Kjerstad was quickly tended to by trainers and his manager, Brandon Hyde, but, given the frightening situation, Hyde was red-hot and had some words with Holmes and catcher Austin Wells.CLICK HERE FOR MORE SPORTS COVERAGE ON FOXNEWS.COMThird baseman Oswaldo Cabrera and an umpire held Holmes back before anything could happen, but only temporarily.After Kjerstad reached first (he was pinch-ran for), Hyde walked back toward the field and was yelling in the direction of the Yankees dugout — it appeared he was yelling at third base coach Luis Rojas, who was snapping right back.Wells did his best to hold Hyde back, but he couldn’t do much, as both teams met right near home plate, and the bullpens came sprinting from the outfield.There was some light pushing and shoving that ensued, but no player was ejected (other than Hyde), and no punches were thrown — so, it wasn’t quite their brawl from 1998.COMEDIAN NIKKI GLASER POKES FUN AT SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER’S ARREST, SHOHEI OHTANI’S INTERPRETER AT ESPYSYankees manager Aaron Boone said he understood why Hyde was upset, noting that Hyde should have his players’ backs — Hyde, though, said the Yankees bench was « waving » and « yelling » at him, which he « didn’t appreciate. »Hyde said he « heard some stuff » when he was walking back to the dugout, which led to his reaction.He added Hjerstad was getting tested. « We’re hoping for the best, » he said.This has been brewing for quite a bit, though — the Yankees have hit Orioles batters 10 times this season, while the O’s have done so just three times.The Yankees, who own MLB’s worst record since June 13, held on to the much-needed 4-1 win, cutting their deficit for the division lead to just two games — the O’s are now 3-5 against the Yanks this season.Reigning Cy Young Award winner Gerrit Cole had his best start of this season as he tossed six strong innings of one-run, five-hit, seven-strikeout ball.The division race seems to be between these two teams for the rest of the season, and judging by Friday night, it’s going to be fun the rest of the way.They’ll be back in action at 4 p.m. on Saturday.Follow Fox News Digital’s sports coverage on X, and subscribe to the Fox News Sports Huddle newsletter.


Source link : https://www.foxnews.com/sports/benches-clear-between-yankees-orioles-after-batter-gets-hit-head-96-mph-pitch

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Publish date : 2024-07-13 05:51:49

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The New York Times

Middle East Crisis: Gaza City Neighborhood Left in Ruins After Israeli Withdrawal


Residents and rescue workers say they found dozens of bodies and most of the buildings destroyed in the Shajaiye neighborhood after Israeli forces ended a two-week offensive against Hamas fighters.


Source link : https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/07/12/world/israel-gaza-war-hamas

Author : The New York Times

Publish date : 2024-07-13 06:08:04

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Huffington Post

À Bristol, les deux valises abandonnées contenaient des restes humains


Un homme a été aperçu en train de déposer deux valises sur le pont de Clifton à Bristol. Elles contenaient les restes de deux hommes adultes encore non identifiés.


Source link : https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/international/article/a-bristol-les-deux-valises-abandonnees-contenaient-des-restes-humains_236854.html

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Publish date : 2024-07-12 21:17:30

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