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septembre 2024

20 Minutes

Guerre Israël-Hamas : Les corps de six otages retrouvés dans un tunnel à Rafah


Guerre Israël-Hamas : Les corps de six otages retrouvés dans un tunnel à Rafah


Source link : https://www.20minutes.fr/monde/israel/4107839-20240901-guerre-israel-hamas-corps-six-otages-retrouves-tunnel-rafah#xtor=RSS-149

Author : 20 Minutes avec AFP (20 Minutes)

Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:00:28

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EN DIRECT – Jeux paralympiques 2024 : en aviron, Nathalie Benoit décroche le bronze


En ce quatrième jour de compétition, les épreuves de triathlon ont été reportées de vingt-quatre heures à cause de la qualité de l’eau de la Seine. Jusqu’à dimanche 8 septembre, les athlètes paralympiques vont faire de Paris leur terrain de jeu.


Source link : https://www.liberation.fr/sports/jeux-olympiques/en-direct-jeux-paralympiques-2024-cyclisme-athletisme-tennis-de-table-suivez-un-dimanche-depreuves-avec-libe-20240901_HL57ZCII2RFN7GWQVLJWUDLEIA/


Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:45:32

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Nouvel Obs

Le tour de France en quatre-vingt jours : voyage au cœur d’un été mouvementé


Pendant trois mois, le journaliste-écrivain Serge Hastom et son confrère Louis Borel ont parcouru 10 000 kilomètres dans une vieille Fiat Panda pour questionner les Français sur la notion d’identité nationale et leur rapport aux médias. Dans cet été si particulier, des élections européennes aux JO en passant par les législatives anticipées, leurs échanges ont résonné avec une actualité mouvementée.


Source link : https://www.nouvelobs.com/societe/20240901.OBS93039/le-tour-de-france-en-quatre-vingt-jours-voyage-au-c-ur-d-un-ete-mouvemente.html

Author : Serge Hastom

Publish date : 2024-09-01 09:00:05

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Le Figaro

La restauration d’une église à Postdam, symbole du passé nazi, fait polémique en Allemagne


L’église de la Garnison de la capitale du land de Brandebourg, reconstruite récemment, suscite la controverse dans une partie de l’opinion allemande qui estime qu’elle est une réminiscence de la prise officielle du pouvoir par Hitler le 21 mars 1933.


Source link : https://www.lefigaro.fr/culture/la-restauration-d-une-eglise-a-postdam-symbole-du-passe-nazi-fait-polemique-en-allemagne-20240901

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Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:23:01

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« Black Myth : Wukong », un jeu vidéo à succès… et plus si affinité pour la Chine


Le succès sans précédent du jeu vidéo chinois « Black Myth : Wukong », sorti il y a dix jours, fait entrer l’industrie vidéoludique chinoise dans la cour des grands. Et pour certains, le voyage pixélisé vers l’Ouest du Roi Singe pourrait bien marquer le début d’un véritable soft-power culturel chinois basé sur les jeux vidéo. 


Source link : https://www.france24.com/fr/%C3%A9co-tech/20240901-black-myth-wukong-jeu-video-chine-succes-nationalisme-technologique-soft-power

Author : Sébastian SEIBT

Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:32:19

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Le Parisien

« C’est merveilleux de redonner vie à ces objets de rêve » : dans l’Orne, on restaure des malles de prestige


« C’est merveilleux de redonner vie à ces objets de rêve » : dans l’Orne, on restaure des malles de prestige


Source link : https://www.leparisien.fr/orne-61/cest-merveilleux-de-redonner-vie-a-ces-objets-de-reve-dans-lorne-on-restaure-des-malles-de-prestige-01-09-2024-UUO6MFPVPVARVDRDB5C7XEIEPI.php

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Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:58:01

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Deutsche Welle

Ukraine updates: Moscow refinery hit in massive drone attack


A wave of Ukrainian drones targeted power plants and a refinery near Moscow, according to Russian media reports. DW has the latest.


Source link : https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-updates-moscow-refinery-hit-in-massive-drone-attack/live-70103593?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-rdf

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Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:30:00

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Sanidad pide que no se consuma un popular tinto de verano al poder contener fragmentos de vidrio


La Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición ( Aesan ) ha alertado de la posible presencia de fragmentos de vidrio en botellas de tinto de verano de La Casera. De esta forma, recomienda a las personas que tengan en su domicilio los productos ‘tinto de verano limón’, ‘tinto de verano limón 0,0’ y ‘tinto de verano gaseosa’ de esta marca se abstengan de consumirlos. Fue la propia empresa la que comunicó la incidencia a las autoridades competentes, en cumplimiento de la legislación y a fin de no poner a disposición de la población alimentos no seguros , según informa Aesan. A su vez, la agencia fue alertada a través del Sistema Coordinado de Intercambio Rápido de Información (Sciri) . Entre los productos sospechosos de La Casera se encuentra el tinto de verano limón, en botella de vidrio no retornable y con los siguientes números de lote y fechas de caducidad: 1041024197, 15/07/2025; 1041024198, 16/07/2025; 1041024199, 17/07/2025;1041024200, 18/07/2025; 1041124222, 09/08/2025; 1041124223, 10/08/2025; 1041024239, 26/08/2025. De igual manera, no se debe consumir el tinto de verano limón 0,0, con el mismo envase y los siguientes números de lote y fechas de caducidad: 1041024200, 18/07/2025 y 1041224201, 19/07/2025. También se debe rechazar el tinto de verano gaseosa con las referencias 1041224201, 19/07/2025 y 1041324221, 08/08/2025. Estos productos han sido distribuidos por Andalucía, Asturias, Aragón, Islas Baleares, Cantabria, Cataluña, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Islas Canarias, Extremadura, Galicia, Comunidad de Madrid, Región de Murcia, País Vasco y Comunidad Valenciana, si bien no es descartable que puedan existir redistribuciones a otras comunidades autónomas. Esta información ha sido trasladada a las autoridades competentes de las comunidades autónomas a través de Sciri, con el objeto de que se verifique la retirada de los productos afectados de los canales de comercialización. Igualmente, se recomienda a las personas que tengan en su domicilio productos afectados por esta alerta, se abstengan de consumirlos.


Source link : https://www.abc.es/sociedad/sanidad-pide-consuma-popular-tinto-verano-contener-20240901114148-nt.html

Author : (abc)

Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:43:51

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El Mundo

Tres muertos y dos heridos graves tras chocar un kamikaze con otro vehículo y una moto en la A-6 en Las Rozas


Ha fallecido el conductor del coche que iba en dirección contraria y los dos ocupantes del vehículo que circulaba de forma correcta Leer


Source link : https://www.elmundo.es/madrid/2024/09/01/66d430e9e9cf4a422a8b459c.html

Author : Luis F. Durán

Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:39:24

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Daily Star

Couple bagged Grand Designs-style ‘paradise’ mansion in lottery – but sold it weeks later


A couple who won a stunning Grand Designs-style property in an Omaze draw branded the home their ‘own piece of paradise’ – but just two months later they decided to sell


Source link : https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/couple-bagged-paradise-mansion-lottery-33576573

Author : [email protected] (Lizzie McAllister)

Publish date : 2024-09-01 10:25:31

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Inside Harry’s ‘plot’ to be welcomed back to UK circles with ‘texts to Eton pals’


The Duke is reportedly ‘turning away’ from US publicists – and is instead seeking counsel from his old friends and associates on how to make a comeback to the UK


Source link : https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/royals/inside-harrys-plot-welcomed-back-33576887

Author : [email protected] (Zahra Khaliq)

Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:32:15

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The Independent

Gritty true-crime thriller starring Jude Law receives huge standing ovation at Venice Film Festival


Law and co-star Nicholas Hoult went to extreme lengths to make the film as tense as possible


Source link : https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/the-order-jude-law-venice-film-festival-movies-b2605164.html

Author : Jacob Stolworthy

Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:12:59

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The Guardian

How a little-known 17th-century female scientist changed our understanding of insects


Maria Sibylla Merian’s beautiful and disturbing illustrations, which shaped how we look at the natural world, will be on show at Amsterdam’s RijksmuseumMore than three centuries after she made a perilous transatlantic voyage to study butterflies, a rare copy of the hand-coloured masterwork by the great naturalist and artist Maria Sibylla Merian is returning to Amsterdam.The Rijksmuseum, which holds more than half-a-million books on art and history, last week announced it had acquired a rare first-edition copy of Metamorphosis of the Insects of Suriname (Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium), described as a high point of 18th-century book production when the Dutch Republic was “the bookshop of the world”. Continue reading…


Source link : https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/sep/01/maria-sibylla-merian-17th-century-female-scientist-insect-illustrations-rijksmuseum-show

Author : Jennifer Rankin

Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:00:03

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Daily Mail

Don’t look plaque in anger! Forgotten Man of Oasis Tony McCarroll admits leaving the band was ‘the biggest mistake of my life’ – as he is honoured in Irish village


The 53-year-old founding member of the group made the confession after being honoured with a blue plaque in the Irish village of Kinnitty, his mother’s birthplace.


Source link : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13801565/forgotten-man-oasis-tony-mccarroll-reunion-ticket-prices-blue-plaque.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490

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Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:33:30

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Kriminalität: Mann schießt mit Schreckschusswaffe in Rostocker Innenstadt


Ein Mann feuert mit einer Waffe in der Rostocker Innenstadt um sich, Zeugen rufen die Polizei. Die Beamten fassen den Schützen und finden eine Schreckschusswaffe.In der Rostocker Innenstadt hat ein Mann mit einer Schreckschusswaffe für Aufregung gesorgt. Der 30-Jährige habe mehrere Schüsse abgegeben, wobei er nicht auf Menschen oder Gebäude zielte, teilte die Polizei mit. Nach mehreren Anrufen von Zeugen am Samstagabend wurde der Mann demnach am Doberaner gestellt. Der 30-Jährige wurde die Nacht über in Gewahrsam genommen. Die Kriminalpolizei nahm Ermittlungen auf. 


Source link : https://www.stern.de/gesellschaft/regional/mecklenburg-vorpommern/kriminalitaet–mann-schiesst-mit-schreckschusswaffe-in-rostocker-innenstadt-35027270.html?utm_campaign=alle-nachrichten&utm_medium=rss-feed&utm_source=standard

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Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:04:52

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Frankfurter Allgemeine

Frau in Polen jahrelang in Stall festgehalten und misshandelt


Ein Mann soll in Polen eine Frau jahrelang in einem Schweinestall gefangen gehalten und gefoltert haben. Offenbar hatten sie sich 2019 im Internet kennengelernt. Nun ermittelt die Staatsanwaltschaft.


Source link : https://www.faz.net/aktuell/gesellschaft/kriminalitaet/mann-in-polen-haelt-frau-in-stall-ueber-jahre-fest-19955771.html

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Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:23:29

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Die Welt

Martyrium im Schweinestall – Frau soll jahrelang eingesperrt und vergewaltigt worden sein


In Niederschlesien (Polen) soll ein 35-Jähriger eine junge Frau schwerst misshandelt haben. Die beiden sollen sich über eine Dating-Plattform kennengelernt haben – dann habe der Mann sein Opfer in einen dunklen Schweinestall gesperrt. Erst nach Jahren schaffte es die Frau, zu entkommen.


Source link : https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/kriminalitaet/article253297854/Polen-Martyrium-im-Schweinestall-Frau-soll-jahrelang-eingesperrt-und-vergewaltigt-worden-sein.html

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Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:24:29

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Der Spiegel

Ukraine attackiert laut russischen Angaben Kraftwerke und Raffinerien nahe Moskau


Kiew hat laut russischen Behörden mehrere Regionen mit Drohnen attackiert, darunter auch Moskau. In der Nähe eines Kraftwerks waren Explosionen zu hören, eine Öl-Raffinerie brennt.


Source link : https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-attackiert-laut-russischen-angaben-kraftwerke-und-raffinerien-nahe-moskau-a-beaa7800-81f9-489f-9d45-49a29cd56c30#ref=rss

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Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:22:00

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FOX News

3 Labor Day cookout side dishes to add pizzazz to your party


Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer, so the holiday weekend is usually a time for families and friends to gather for one last warm-weather hurrah.For anyone throwing an end-of-summer party, it’s fun to mix things up with some variations on classic side dishes. These three dishes will go great with hamburgers, hot dogs, barbecue or whatever else is being grilled during a final salute to summer. BACK-TO-SCHOOL LUNCH AND DINNER IDEAS THAT ARE QUICK AND EASYHere are three side dishes that can bring some unexpected flavors to Labor Day parties. »The spicy sesame peanut noodles are a great twist on a traditional cold pasta salad you would have at your barbecue, » Raul Gutierrez, executive chef at Big Bowl, told Fox News Digital.Big Bowl is a Chinese and Thai chain located in Illinois and Minnesota. »The crispness from the cucumbers, freshness from the cilantro, and smoothness from the fresh roasted peanut sauce all together create the perfect balance of flavors with a hint of spice, » he said. 6 tablespoons fine peanut oil (or canola oil)2 cups roasted peeled peanuts½ cup freshly brewed Chinese black tea (any black tea works)2 tablespoons chopped fresh ginger4 garlic cloves1 to 2 fresh red chili peppers (for spicier sauce, add more chili peppers)1 tablespoon kosher salt3 tablespoons sugar2 teaspoons dark soy sauce6 AMAZING PIZZA VARIETIES ACROSS THE NATION YOU MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT (BUT SHOULD)2 tablespoons light soy sauce¼ cup Japanese rice wine vinegar3 tablespoons sesame oil1 tablespoon chili oilChinese egg noodles, 8-ounce package1 cucumber, seeded, peeled and finely juliennedFresh cilantro leavesSesame seeds for garnish1. Bring a large pot of water to boil. Cook the egg noodles according to package instructions.2. Meanwhile, add peanuts and peanut or canola oil to a food processor and process until smooth.GOVERNOR TIM WALZ GOES VIRAL AFTER POSTING FAMILY’S RECIPE FOR ‘TURKEY TROT TATER-TOT HOTDISH’3. Add a splash of the black tea, then add ginger, garlic cloves, chile peppers, kosher salt and sugar, and continue to process.4. Add both soy sauces and the vinegar and process until well blended.5. Remove sauce to a mixing bowl and stir in the sesame oil by hand.6. Stir in the remaining tea until the sauce is smooth.7. When egg noodles are fully cooked, drain and run under cold water. Drain again, then toss with chili oil.TOP TAILGATING FOODS AND TIPS TO SATISFY HUNGRY COLLEGE FOOTBALL FANS THIS SEASON8. Add peanut sauce to cooked noodles, about ⅔ cup at a time, until coated to taste.9. Garnish with julienned cucumber, fresh cilantro leaves and sesame seeds.Note: Refrigerate leftover peanut sauce in a covered container for up to one week.This dish turns a classic summer sandwich into a dip perfect for chips and crackers. It can easily be made gluten-free with the use of gluten-free crackers, New York-based celebrity chef George Duran told Fox News Digital via email. »I love this recipe because it is so easy, fast, delicious and refreshing, » he said. Duran added, « I also like to serve it with Absolutely Gluten Free Crackers and flatbreads as they add great taste and appeal to everyone, regardless if they follow a gluten-free diet or not. » 4 ounces pancetta or chopped bacon8 ounces cream cheese, room temperature½ cup sour cream3 tablespoons French onion dip mixCLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR LIFESTYLE NEWSLETTER1 small head of romaine lettuce, finely chopped, about 2 cups 1 cup diced tomatoesAbsolutely Gluten Free Crackers (or any other cracker) 1. Cook pancetta or bacon in a frying pan on medium heat until crispy. Drain excess oil on paper towel and set aside.2. Use a beater to mix together cream cheese and sour cream with French onion soup dip. Mix until combined.3. Spread dip into a shallow bowl and top with chopped romaine lettuce, tomatoes and pancetta.4. Serve with crackers.Another twist on pasta salad is this version, inspired by Mexican street corn. FAVORITE FOODS OF TRUMP AND HARRIS, PLUS OTHER NOTABLE DISHES OF PRESIDENTS AND VICE PRESIDENTS »This dish brings vibrant flavor to your pasta salad with the addition of Mexican street corn, featuring lime, avocado, Cotija cheese and chili powder, » Andrea Burns, an Omaha-based chef on the Conagra Brands culinary team, told Fox News Digital in an email. 8 ounces rotini pasta, uncooked 10-ounce bag Birds Eye Steamfresh Gold & White Corn1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 teaspoon chili powder ½ teaspoon saltFor more Lifestyle articles, visit www.foxnews.com/lifestyle½ cup Wish-Bone Avocado Ranch Dressing3 tablespoons sour cream1 teaspoon grated lime zest½ cup crumbled Cotija or feta cheese2 small avocados peeled, pitted and chopped 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro 1. Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain and rinse with cold water. Cool completely.2. Microwave corn 2 minutes, just to thaw. Heat vegetable oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Pour corn into skillet and cook until it starts to brown around the edges, about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Stir in chili powder and salt. Remove from heat and cool completely.3. Stir together ranch dressing, sour cream, lime zest and about three quarters of the cheese in a small bowl. Stir together pasta, corn, avocado, cilantro (reserve 1 tablespoon for garnish) and dressing mixture in a large bowl until everything is well coated.4. Pour Mexican street corn pasta salad into serving bowl, garnish with reserved cheese and cilantro, and refrigerate 30 minutes before serving.


Source link : https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/3-labor-day-cookout-side-dishes-add-pizzazz-party

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Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:00:45

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The Washington Post

In red district Walz once held, a stark urban-rural divide over his record


Democrats hope that putting Walz on their ticket will help them win over more rural voters. A close look at his former congressional district shows how hard that will be.


Source link : https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/08/31/tim-walz-minnesota-congressional-district/

Author : Abbie Cheeseman

Publish date : 2024-08-31 17:07:58

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The New York Times

Middle East Crisis: Six Bodies Recovered in Gaza Were Hostages, Israel and U.S. Say


One of the hostages, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, was an American citizen. Separately in Gaza, a polio vaccination drive was getting underway on Sunday.


Source link : https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/09/01/world/israel-hamas-gaza-war

Author : The New York Times

Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:10:10

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Huffington Post

Norvège : la princesse Märtha Louise épouse un « chaman », les images du mariage qui divise le pays


Elle dit pouvoir parler aux anges, quand il affirme avoir été un pharaon dans une vie antérieure. Leur mariage agace tout le pays scandinave.


Source link : https://www.huffingtonpost.fr/divertissement/video/norvege-la-princesse-martha-louise-epouse-un-chaman-les-images-du-mariage-qui-divise-le-pays_239021.html

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Publish date : 2024-09-01 11:03:42

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