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septembre 26, 2024

20 Minutes

Guadeloupe : La douane saisit 24.000 bouteilles de faux Red Bull en provenance d’Haïti


Guadeloupe : La douane saisit 24.000 bouteilles de faux Red Bull en provenance d’Haïti


Source link : https://www.20minutes.fr/societe/4112114-20240926-guadeloupe-douane-saisit-24-000-bouteilles-faux-red-bull-provenance-haiti#xtor=RSS-149

Author : 20 Minutes avec AFP (20 Minutes)

Publish date : 2024-09-26 10:20:20

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Mort de Philippine : ces auditions sur le suspect et son parcours exigées par Waquiez


La mort de Philippine fait l’objet de récupérations politiques depuis la précision du profil du suspect. La droite a même demandé l’ouverture d’une mission flash pour soulever les « dysfonctionnements judiciaires » ayant permis au drame d’avoir lieu.


Source link : https://www.linternaute.com/actualite/faits-divers/6270701-mort-de-philippine-ces-auditions-sur-le-suspect-et-son-parcours-exigees-par-waquiez/

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:47:22

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Après des tirs sur un collège marseillais, la ministre de l’Education Anne Genetet tient une réunion sur la sécurité


Mardi, plus de 80 impacts de balle ont été constatés sur la façade du collège Stéphane-Mallarmé. Anne Genetet s’entretient avec l’équipe pédagogique et les parents d’élèves ce jeudi 26 septembre pour évoquer la «sécurisation des établissements scolaires».


Source link : https://www.liberation.fr/societe/education/apres-des-tirs-sur-un-college-marseillais-la-ministre-de-leducation-anne-genetet-tient-une-reunion-sur-la-securite-20240926_HDQNKVMLEVBA5AIT7UAH4WD6XE/


Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:16:08

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Nouvel Obs

Pour tenter de réduire les abus, le tramadol et la codéine bientôt prescrits sur ordonnance infalsifiable


Utilisés comme antidouleur pour l’un (le tramadol) et pour soulager la toux et la douleur pour l’autre (la codéine), ces médicaments opioïdes font l’objet d’abus en France. A partir du 1er décembre, ils seront dispensés uniquement sur présentation d’une ordonnance sécurisée.


Source link : https://www.nouvelobs.com/societe/20240926.OBS94143/pour-tenter-de-reduire-les-abus-le-tramadol-et-la-codeine-bientot-prescrits-sur-ordonnance-infalsifiable.html

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:36:48

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Le Figaro

Gouvernement : Michel Barnier limite à son tour la taille des cabinets ministériels


Publié cette semaine au journal officiel, le décret signé par le nouveau premier ministre vient limiter la taille des cabinets ministériels à quinze membres.


Source link : https://www.lefigaro.fr/conjoncture/gouvernement-michel-barnier-limite-a-son-tour-la-taille-des-cabinets-ministeriels-20240926

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:45:37

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MLS : un premier titre aux États-Unis pour Hugo Lloris et Olivier Giroud


Expatriés en MLS, Hugo Lloris et Olivier Giroud, buteur, ont soulevé leur premier trophée américain en remportant la finale de la Coupe des États-Unis avec le Los Angeles FC face au Sporting Kansas City (3-1 a.p.).


Source link : https://www.france24.com/fr/sports/20240926-mls-un-premier-titre-aux-%C3%A9tats-unis-pour-hugo-lloris-et-olivier-giroud

Author : FRANCE 24

Publish date : 2024-09-26 10:50:54

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Deutsche Welle

Brasilien: Die Angst vor dem Öl aus Nazi-Schiffen


Mehr als 500 Wracks aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg lagern vor Brasiliens Küste. Darin befinden sich teils wertvolle Metalle. Meeresforscher warnen, dass bei der Jagd auf die Rohstoffe auch tonnenweise Öl entweichen kann.


Source link : https://www.dw.com/de/brasilien-die-angst-vor-dem-%C3%B6l-aus-nazi-schiffen/a-70304852?maca=de-rss-de-all-1119-rdf

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:32:00

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El Gobierno reta a las comunidades y amenaza con retirar financiación si no cumplen la ley de Vivienda


El Gobierno vuelve a llevar el combate de la ley de Vivienda a las autonomías y amenaza con quitar financiación si estas no aplican la normativa aprobada por el PSOE y sus socios al final de la anterior legislatura. La ministra de Vivienda y Agenda Urbana, Isabel Rodríguez, ha elevado este jueves el tono al advertir de que las regiones que no cumplan con la ley de alquileres no recibirán financiación estatal para sus políticas de vivienda de cara a la elaboración del próximo Plan Estatal de Vivienda, en un claro reto a la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso. Lo ha asegurado así Rodríguez durante una intervención en TVE. «Yo quiero seguir apoyándolas económicamente, pero también… Ver Más


Source link : https://www.abc.es/economia/gobierno-reta-comunidades-amenaza-retirar-financiacion-cumplen-20240926113223-nt.html

Author : (abc)

Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:33:09

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El Mundo

Montero elude explicar el concierto para Cataluña y se embarca durante 32 minutos en un ataque frontal al PP


Los populares replican tachando el pacto del Gobierno con ERC de « traición » y de « chantaje » las presiones que reciben para apoyarlo Leer


Source link : https://www.elmundo.es/espana/2024/09/26/66f51191fdddff42838b458e.html

Author : Marisa Cruz

Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:35:12

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Pire que la pizza à l’ananas, la «Rossini» scandalise presque toute l’Italie


Au pays des traditions culinaires immuables, la ville de Pesaro se passionne depuis des décennies pour ce plat baptisé en l’honneur du célèbre compositeur. Nous sommes allés sur place pour comprendre pourquoi, en laissant (autant que possible) nos préjugés de côté.


Source link : https://www.slate.fr/boire-manger/rossini-pizza-oeufs-mayonnaise-italie-pesaro-gastronomie-sacrilege

Author : Beniamino Morante

Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:25:05

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Daily Star

Exploding wheelie bin left refuse workers dodging flying debris in shocking video


Two bin men were lucky to escape unharmed after an item ‘exploded’ in their lorry sending debris flying all over the road in a shocking video from Barnet, north London


Source link : https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/exploding-wheelie-bin-left-refuse-33755518

Author : [email protected] (Kelly Williams)

Publish date : 2024-09-26 09:55:05

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Sky News

Police release image of man sought after woman in 70s sexually assaulted and injured


Police have released an image of a man they want to identify after a woman in her 70s was sexually assaulted in London – and left with a broken leg.


Source link : https://news.sky.com/story/police-release-image-of-man-they-want-to-identify-after-woman-in-70s-was-sexually-assaulted-and-left-with-broken-leg-13222277

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 10:21:00

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Chef’s ‘one secret’ ingredient to making the ‘best roast potatoes ever’


If you’re looking for the perfect roast potato recipe then look no further, because one chef has revealed their secret hack that will take your crunchy tatties to the next level


Source link : https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/food-drink/chefs-one-secret-ingredient-making-33756626

Author : [email protected] (Lauren Haughey, Rom Preston-Ellis)

Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:27:56

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The Guardian

Badenoch says she’s a ‘huge fan’ of Elon Musk, as other Tory leader candidates decline to praise him – UK politics live


The billionaire owner of X has reportedly not been invited to Labour’s international investment summit next monthThe former UK ambassador to Lebanon Tom Fletcher, who remains closely in touch with diplomats at the UN, said the joint statement backing a 21-day ceasefire in Lebanon signed by the US, France, the UK, the EU and 8 other countries , including three Gulf States, now has to be used to bring about change on the ground.If that happens, he said it could represent a watershed in the crisis and even a moment when diplomacy fought back.I think Elon Musk has been a fantastic thing for freedom of speech. I will hold my hand up and say, I’m a huge fan of Elon Musk.I look at Twitter before he took over and after: there is a lot more free speech. Yes, there are many, many more things that I see on X, as he calls it, that I don’t like. Continue reading…


Source link : https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2024/sep/26/uk-politics-labour-keir-starmer-un-general-assembly-speech

Author : Andrew Sparrow

Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:21:48

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Daily Mail

Porn-again Christians: Ex-priest and a former missionary become OnlyFans stars who film lesbian romps for their followers


Former Brazilian pastor Ana Akiva, 36, teamed up with another ex-missionary, Andressa Urach after subscribers begged them to shoot movies together.


Source link : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13893669/Porn-Christians-Ex-priest-former-missionary-OnlyFans-stars-film-lesbian-romps-followers.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ito=1490&ns_campaign=1490

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:32:02

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DDR-Geschichte: Autorin Erpenbeck kritisiert Abriss des Jahn-Stadions


Seit Jahren wird diskutiert, nun soll der Abriss des Jahn-Stadions in Prenzlauer Berg beginnen. Kritik gibt es wegen des Umgangs mit Bauten aus der DDR. Der geplante Abriss des Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Stadions in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg ist von der Schriftstellerin Jenny Erpenbeck (« Kairos ») kritisiert worden. « Ich finde immer: Umbau geht vor Abriss », sagte Erpenbeck dem Sender RBB-Inforadio. Im großen Sportpark gebe es « ungenutzte Räume und schlechte Gebäude », die man abreißen könnte und an deren Stelle die geplanten Sportstätten für Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung bauen könne. Ein Neubau kostet 200 Millionen Euro, « das finde ich einfach ein enormes Geld », so die Schriftstellerin, die selber den Sportkomplex und die Umgebung nutzt.Erpenbeck kritisierte, wie mit Bauten aus der DDR umgegangen werde. Den Abrissbeginn am 7. Oktober, dem Tag der DDR-Gründung, finde sie bezeichnend. « Nachdem auch schon das Ahornblatt an der Fischerinsel abgerissen wurde und der Palast der Republik, ist praktisch von dieser ganzen Zeit wenig übrig, und da gab es ja auch Architekten, die sich Gedanken gemacht haben, das waren ja nicht alles Idioten. » DDR-Bauten würden nicht geschätzt als Teil der deutschen Geschichte. Daher sei ein Abriss ein « Zeichen in die falsche Richtung ». Das alte Jahnstadion soll nach den Plänen des Senats abgerissen und durch einen Neubau ersetzt werden, gerahmt von einem erweiterten und umgebauten Sportpark. Der Senat will eine inklusive Vorzeige-Sportstätte bauen, zuerst soll das Stadion abgerissen und ersetzt werden.


Source link : https://www.stern.de/gesellschaft/regional/berlin-brandenburg/ddr-geschichte–autorin-erpenbeck-kritisiert-abriss-des-jahn-stadions-35096800.html?utm_campaign=alle&utm_medium=rss-feed&utm_source=standard

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:02:13

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Die Zeit

Rücktritt des Grüne-Jugend-Vorstands: Künast nennt abgetretenen Jugend-Vorstand « nicht realitätstauglich »


Die Grünenpolitikerin Renate Künast geht mit der bisherigen Spitze des Parteinachwuchses hart ins Gericht. Über deren Rücktritt sei sie nicht traurig, sagte sie.


Source link : https://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2024-09/renate-kuenast-gruene-jugend-ruecktritt-parteiaustritt

Author : ZEIT ONLINE: Deutschland – Luis Kumpfmüller

Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:14:12

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Die Welt

Gummersbach siegt bei Häfners 500. Bundesliga-Spiel – Die Highlights im Video


Erfolgreicher Auftritt für Jubilar Kai Häfner und den VfL Gummersbach: Der VfL holt sich den Sieg beim TVB Stuttgart. Für Kai Häfner ist es sein 500. Spiel in der Handball-Bundesliga. Die Highlights im Video.


Source link : https://www.welt.de/sport/handball/video253713508/TVB-Stuttgart-VfL-Gummersbach-Die-Highlights-im-Video.html

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:19:54

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Der Spiegel

Großbritannien: Polizist verkauft sichergestelltes Kokain


Er flog auf, als er einen Beutel mit Drogen vor der Schule seiner Tochter verlor: Ein Ermittler der Polizei in Manchester zweigte Kokainfunde systematisch zum Weiterverkauf ab. Dafür wurde der Mann nun verurteilt.


Source link : https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/grossbritannien-polizist-verkauft-sichergestelltes-kokain-a-bc34034a-54c1-4893-aec7-a00c11b4dca3#ref=rss

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 11:17:00

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FOX News

More than half of Americans with STDs were infected by cheating partners, survey finds


A new study has exposed the sexual health habits of some Americans.The research, conducted by DatingNews.com, analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau to determine how and where Americans have been contracting and spreading STIs (sexually transmitted infections), also known as STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).Among the findings was the fact that 55% of people with an STI contracted it from a cheating partner.TESTOSTERONE THERAPY COULD HELP BOOST WOMEN’S SEX DRIVE AS THEY AGE, BUT RISKS EXIST, EXPERTS SAYThirteen percent of the nearly 1,000 respondents said their partner has lied to them about their STI status, while 45% did not discuss testing with their partner before becoming sexually active.Nearly one in five (18%) of respondents said they have been diagnosed with an STI, with the most common diagnosis, chlamydia, making up 36% of the cases.The survey participants ranged in age from 18 to 79, DatingNews.com spokesperson Emily Fanous told Fox News Digital.Given that 81% of Americans over 18 are sexually active, Fanous emphasized the importance of knowing your risk and how getting testing can aid in prevention.FIRST AT-HOME SYPHILIS ANTIBODY TEST GETS FDA AUTHORIZATION AS STD CASES SPIKE IN USOne in three Americans in the study said they have never been tested for an STI.The largest number of untested individuals were baby boomers (51%), followed by millennials (33%) and Gen Z and Gen X (both 29%).The main reasons respondents refrain from testing are embarrassment (25%), lack of time (22%) and cost (19%).Dr. Gabe Gaviola, MD, senior medical director at Everlywell in New York — an at-home STD testing and treatment platform — noted that there are more than 20 million new cases of STIs reported in the U.S. each year. »The real surprise from these findings is the lack of STI testing that could prevent new cases, » Gaviola, who was not involved in the study, told Fox News Digital during an on-camera interview. »As a doctor and public health advocate, I wish more people knew that there are affordable at-home STI lab testing options that provide quick, reliable results with the privacy and convenience of collection at home. »The study also found that only 34% of people get annual STI testing, while fewer than 25% get tested before entering a new relationship. »Those numbers aren’t high enough, » Gaviola said. « Many STIs don’t present any symptoms, which means you shouldn’t wait for symptoms to get tested. » The research also revealed which U.S. states have the most STI and STD cases.Mississippi has the highest rate, at 1,187 diagnoses per 100,000 people, followed by Louisiana at 1,145, Alaska at 1,066, South Dakota at 993 and Georgia at 975.Fanous encourages those in states with high rates to consider being tested if they are sexually active.For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/health »These findings show that too many people are not prioritizing their sexual health, » Gaviola said. « Whether it’s because of stigma, access or education, millions of Americans who are at high risk of getting or transmitting an STI are not getting tested. » »We need to advance the conversation around sexual health and increase education about the importance of STI testing. »Everlywell is teaming up with the American Sexual Health Association for the first-ever National Get Tested Day on Sept. 30. »Our goal is to educate and break down barriers to accessing this essential health care, » Gaviola said. « Testing is the first step in empowering people with important information about their sexual health. »Gaviola added that even people in long-term, monogamous relationships should stay up to date on STI testing.CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR HEALTH NEWSLETTER »Many STIs don’t present any symptoms, but if left undetected and untreated, they can lead to serious long-term health issues, such as infertility, » he cautioned.The expert encouraged Americans to have open conversations with their partners before entering a sexual relationship and to « keep checking in. » »This helps establish trust that they are taking their sexual health as seriously as you are by getting tested regularly, » he said.


Source link : https://www.foxnews.com/health/more-half-americans-stds-infected-cheating-partners-survey-finds

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Publish date : 2024-09-26 10:40:24

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The Washington Post

Live updates: U.S., others propose Israel-Hezbollah cease-fire; Israel readies Lebanon incursion


Biden administration officials said they hoped talks over a longer-term agreement in Lebanon could renew cease-fire and hostage release negotiations in Gaza.


Source link : https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/09/26/israel-lebanon-hezbollah-hamas-war-news-gaza/

Author : Frances Vinall

Publish date : 2024-09-26 10:41:39

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